Went to Boys of Bangkok for my first visit. We were seated right at the stage. There were three of us. A couple of the boys joined us. The had some drinks, while I stayed with my Coca Cola. When we finally decided to leave, the total tab was 4700 bht. What, I exclaimed to my friends. We called the bar person over, we went through each bill one at a time. They added up to 2500 bht., but the bar person did not understand and said 4700. So we took each tab and added it front of him, when we came to 1000bht we asked him if this was correct, he said yes, so we gave him 1000bht, then we added the next tabs and when we reached 1000bht we asked agian if this was correct, he said yes and we gave another 1000 bht, we did that again till we reached 500 bht, paid him. He was not happy, but could not explain the addtional charge of the added 2700 bht, we said good bye and left. Be careful, they were adding tabs and drinks that we had not ordered. Guess they thought we were drunk, or stupid, neither of the above I can asure you. Had the same problem in Chang Mai, at Boy Toys, one coke and one beer 420 bht. My friend ordered another beer and was charged 120 bhr, when we questioned the first tab, no answer was given. so we paid and left. Wont be back to either, there loss not ours. I think it is better to pay as you go, then there can be no doubt as too costs. I think these type of bars should smarten up, I think they are loosing business due to these types of transactions, and if people continue to go there after being over charged, then these bars will never learn to be honest with the customer. I believe they would make more in the long run, if they were more honest. They got no tips from us. Had they been more honest they certainly would have made more.
Sorry you had that experience, especially at BB where I think the boys are good and the mamasans about right on pushiness. Never been ripped off in a bar here, but then never been in a group or stayed long.As no receipts are issued or requested, some bar men have a free hand to try this sort of thing. But when you say the bar person, you actually mean the guy behind the bar? When I want to pay, I usually have the mamasan check the slips in my container in front of me, after checking that a slip is put there after each order...haven't yet had to check each slip as it arrives though. In BB, I have noticed that the mamasans, if selected(ignore/turnaway from those you don't like or are pushy) thougfully(not that you have much choice!), will generally look after your interests. But, I guess if the place is very busy, bad things could happen but don't think it's the policy of BB to screw it's customers...just some individuals working there.
I've had to challenge a bar tab or two. Some of the go-go bars are run by real slimesters. Always be careful to count your change. In fact, verbally acknowledge the demonimation of the bill you are giving them ("Here is 1,000 Baht") so that they don't come back and claim you only gave them a 500 note.
By the way, what - or where - is Boy Toys in Chiangmai. I've never heard of that place. |
No...they weren't short of change: they always do that at Future Boys! I guess enough people just leave the "loose change" and they end up with 40 baht tips. I usually don't tip at all there, because of that!
I should also note that I have never been overcharged in a boy bar -- and I've been to a few! |
I was in Suttisan (pussy bars, no cock, but near Sapan Kwai) recently and talk about fighting to pay for only what I had to drink. It was a fucking pain in the ass and I had to get chesty a few times.
After that, I vowed to go to places like that with lots of small money and change so that I can pay for exactly what I drank. Of course, you have to check the bill and make sure that you're not getting scammed. Then just pay for what you drank, even if their bill shows a higher amounnt. One other thing you can do is to keep all of the bottles or glasses on a table so that you can visually see how many drinks have been bought. Or you can just pay as you go, as mentioned above.
My Mouth Is Your Cum Receptacle... |
I recently saw another incident at Boys of Bangkok, which made the go go boys angry.
I arrived just after opening time and sat on a stool at one of the two round tables located between the actual bar and the go go platform. A few minutes later a number of boys waiting to dance all sat down, taking most of the remaining stools at the two round tables. A moment later another farang walked in and took the remaining stool at one of the round tables. An effiminate waiter instantly approached the farang asked what drink he wanted, and returned a few minutes later with eight bottles of beer, one for the farang and the seven go go boys sitting around. The farang objected, then the waiter abused the farang, in Thai (luckily the Farang didn't uderstand one word, or he probably would have punched the waiter). The farang quickly decided to depart and asked for the bill, and the waiter rudely demanded 1,600 Baht. The Farang asked for the manager and was told there is no manager. The Farang paid the bill and left. The go go boys realized that this not appropriate and several go go boys punched the waiter. One of the German partners arrived about 30 minutes later. I asked to speak to him, told him what had happened. His answer was 'some Farang are stupid'. End of incident.
xfuntimes |
Don't know which owner you are referring to unless it's the short guy with the crewcut hair. I didn't know who he was last year and he asked me why I didn't go to Blue Star. My reply was that they charged too much for their drinks and was tired of looking at so many lady boys. (They have since changed somewhat ? ? ?)
He hasn't talked to, or acknowledged me since that day even tho I do patronize both BB and DreamBoys! Classy guy......... ![]() |
Yes the shorter german with the crew cut. --- Some months ago I was with a farang friend at Blue Star, he paid the bill and the change was 40 baht short. My friend immediatly approached the other german partner (the taller one with long hair) who didn't even listen to the details, just went into a lecture saying it's totally impossible to be short changed in any of his venues. It quickly became obvious it was a waste of time to continue any discussion with him. --- When Dream Boys first put their price up to 250 Baht on Friday & Saturday I asked the outside doorman why the price had gone up. The response, in Thai, was quite strong abuse and insults about farang. My Thai compannion was quite upset and said, in Thai, that we would go to the small police station 150 metres down the road and complain. The response from the doorman was 'up to you'. Every time I've been to Dream Boys, since that incident, the same doorman has said something nasty to me. --- Future boys is only one of many venues who give 40 baht in coins in the change. Like ICON, when bars do this I don't leave any tip. --- It's ancient history now, but when TAWAN was in it's original location, just around the corner in Suriwongse Road, the owner was always the cashier. He always short changed farang customers 100 baht (if you gave 500 Baht - this was before 1,000 Baht noted were issued). It was a standard routine, the change came, other farang would always say something about checking the change, sure enough 100 Baht short. The captains would usually give the change, then wait for the customer to say something, then take the small tray back to the cashier (the owner), then the correct change would come. Regards
xfuntimes |
After having very annoyingly bad experiences at both Blue Star and "the Boys" over a year ago, I have never returned. When friends come to visit from overseas and want a go-go bar tour, I lead them elsewhere.
I'm also annoyed by getting lots of coins as my change. On those occasions I don't leave a tip at all. And yes, always a good idea to remember what size bill you gave and count your change. I don't trust these bar owners at all. |
Boys of Bangkok, Blue Star and whatever other bar or bars that German syndicate run should be off limits to all! They have been ripping clients off for a long time and getting away with it. I wrote to CFS about 12 months ago about their bullshit. AVOID THEIR BARS AT ALL COSTS AND TELL ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS.
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While it is true that goods and sevices are cheaper in Thailand than in the West, I am not sure that this is reason to apply upon the Thais a different set of moral standards from our own. Short changing customers is obviously dishonest. However, getting change back in small denominations is very common in the USA. In trendy venues in New York 20% tip is expected. While many customers pay by credit card, cash payment often yields change in bills or coin smaller than necessary, as a matter of convenience to the customer to pay the EXPECTED 20% tip (even though the service may not warrant it). I am sure when the US re-issues the new dollar coin (to replace the failed Susan B. Anothony), we will get a lot of change back in dollar coins. If the change is the correct amount, I am not sure that this is something to get so upset about, since it's done in our own countries and no one bats an eye.
Wish I had seen this discussion earlier. Went to Jupitor last month and paid with a thousand Baht bill. The change came back as if I had used a 500 Baht bill. Of course I could not be absolutely sure, so I let it go, but after reading this column, I am more inclined to conclude that they deliberately short changed me. In future I would advise everyone to make sure they bring smaller notes to lessen the chances of misunderstandings.
Giving change for Bht500 instead of Bht1,000 is very common and happens to me about once a week in restaurants, supermarkets and the Skytrain ticket offices. I suggest using the Skytrain station to get small change(but make them lay it on the counter!) or specify an amount ending in 900 at an ATM. At supermarkets and BTS, the cashiers count out the small change first..ie everything above the rounded 100, then take the one hundred bills up to 500 and then often "forget" the final 500 bill. You/they are so engrossed in counting out the 57.50 baht or whatever, you/they forget the big stuff.