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Old 6th March 2001, 03:28 AM
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Angry Pickpockets at Freemans

Be warned....Pickpockets play at Freemans !! The signs are there, be warned. I was being "serviced", on the 3rd floor, keeping a very close eye on my 'zipped up' pocket, when hey presto, some dirty fucker had unzipped my pocket and was about to make away with my wallet. He didn't get it, but he was very close, and I really didn't notice a thing. CRAFTY SHIT.
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Old 6th March 2001, 06:15 AM
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I am constantly on the look out for this and I have found that the regretfull picker, once caught can be very willing to make up for the indiscretion. I always find a good long rimming session seems to fit the crime. Meet life in Asia Head On. Haven't you realised "You might be dead tommorow"
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Old 6th March 2001, 08:13 AM
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I have been "robbed" twice at Freeman. Can't we eradicate this problem once and for all! Please...if you find this fucker, rip off his fuckin dick!! I have 2X heavily complained with management and asked them to put up a warning sign outside...yeah yeah he said...but fuckol!
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Old 6th March 2001, 06:06 PM
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Wow you are so naive guys - this happens all over the world - get streetwise, always be wary and like Shootswads said if you catch one the punishment you meat out could be really enjoyable with a little imagination
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Old 6th March 2001, 06:18 PM
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Thumbs down

Message to Topstee.

I am streetwise, that is why my wallet is still in my backpocket, what I'm merely trying to do honey, is warn people that a problem does exist. Call it a community service. As travellers to 3rd world countries, your mind is always aware of theft, but being inside a gay establishment, one can be blinded by ones cock !!
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Old 6th March 2001, 07:39 PM
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"As travellers to 3rd world countries, your mind is always aware of theft"

WHAT! Pick pockets only in the 3rd world? Where are you from?

But thanks for the warning!
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Old 6th March 2001, 07:40 PM
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There will always be people who steal from others. There will always be people from whom things are stolen. The darkroom at Freeman is, sadly, no exception. My advice is simple. If you are going to Freeman's darkroom be prepared for the possibility of attempted theft. This means don't take a wallet or a phone and only have some small cash in your pocket. 500 and 1000 Baht notes should be placed in your shoes under the soles of your feet. I know this may seem like giving in to the scumbags who steal but to me it's just being realistic. Then you'll be able to kick back and enjoy your experience without constantly worrying about being robbed.
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Old 7th March 2001, 03:26 AM
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Beethoven has it down perfectly. It's what I do.
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Old 7th March 2001, 08:02 AM
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Yes - but when you go to the temple to say thanks for the gang bang, remove money from shoes before leaving outside.

I finished up having more money than sense, also more alcohol and went to the Coffee Boy Temple in Chiang Mai. Lying on their sofas, I suddenly remembered the money in my shoes. The katoey 'hat check girl's' face was a picture when I went and got the money. Maybe Thais would never put money into shoes as 'dirty place' and portrait of H.M.

I was surprised, earlier this year, to be told that "it is not appropriate" to put money into go-go boy's briefs as had picture of King.However, money was not returned.
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Old 7th March 2001, 03:11 PM
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Freeman has caught a couple dozen pickpockets, and marched them straight down to the police station for arrest. Still, the problem persists. Just be careful.
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Old 9th March 2001, 06:36 AM
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I've talked about this before. I got a nice necklace lifted right off of my neck one, very drunken night in the dark room. I don't know which one of the 10 guys I was sucking on did it, or if it was some other guy who was just rummaging around for some gold. But there went my necklace. And I didn't hear the end of it from my wife for......well, I'll let you know when I hear the end of it. She doesn't know WHERE I lost it!

The next time I went in there and I had Mr Cell Phone, my hand was on that sucker (no pun intended) the whole time. I had one hand and one mouth free, and that was it. The other hand was on the valubles.

You won't get robbed, outright, at Freemans. But you will need to keep a hand on any valuables or keep anything that will fit in your shoes. If you have something a little bigger that won't fit into your shoes, try keeping it all in one pocket and just keep one hand on or in it.

And do remember to take your money out of your shoes where Thais can't see it. It's always good practice in Thailand.
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Old 9th March 2001, 08:29 PM
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...and don't forget the Dr Scholl's odour eaters.
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Old 14th March 2001, 01:07 PM
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Oh Cut it out darlinks....try going to any back room in London and you won't have a penny or a jewel left to your name when you come out...You guys act like its something special...really now GROW UP!!!!
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Old 14th March 2001, 04:17 PM
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Thats right Hill its same same up here in Manchester (UK) and in Holland, Spain, Germany and lots of other 3rd world countries.
ok were all warned now so lets move on.....
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Old 14th March 2001, 07:10 PM
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Someone told me his piercing got stolen in the darkroom.He had a cock piercing.
I didnot want to verify his story though
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