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Message Board > Our Archives > Thailand Archive   cost to keep a boy

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Old 28th February 2002, 11:40 AM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 25
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The end is not yet, I will return. Months are but a shadow to the 10 years of self inflicted hibrination.

Bitter sweet but love is awakened. Yes shall I find it. Indeed, maybe not all it was or maybe just maybe greater than all that was before. Happiness and love is with in oneself. You can not find that in others. Reach for the things that last. Invest in people for there you remain eternal.

At peace what a weonderful thing to finally be at peace with yourself. With Noi with out Noi I remain at peace with me. What more can one search for. It is with in my grasp.

Yes the end of the thread but the book is still being written.

See you at Babylon, See you soon as my time will alow. A realtivly cheap place in Pattaya a good start I think for a part timer in Thailand who will always work with the children. 1,000 children. One love is enough.

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