There was once a website regarding the so-called Aquarius Raid, but I just checked (having not looked there in some time) and I believe the owner has now pulled it off the www. The story of this raid was a real eye-opener in terms of this guys experiences with the Thai judicial system after being arrested 'in flagrante delicto' at the Aquarius. The website was in fact authored by the 'victim' and if everything he said was correct (and he was of course not particularly objective about this), a real horror-story of attempted bribery, Thai jails, and wild newspaper articles on under-age sex. Having said all that . . . I've stayed at the Aquarius twice ~ once for two nights when I took home a young man I met in a bar & we had no problems at all. No off-fees and we had a very nice breakfast the next morning together and everyone was very pleasant. The second time stayed there for 3 weeks with (by then) my Thai boyfriend (in the same room as the gentleman raided by the cops 2 months before ~ THAT was freaky, but only later as I knew nothing of it at the time!!). I thought that on second stay the place was looking a bit run down & invariably had only cold water in the shower . . . though that's usually a good thing in steamy Bangkok. The owner and some of the employees seemed to me to be overall more 'sullen' than the first trip & I then decided that my next time in Bangkok I would try another place. However, this 'sullen-ness' was more understandable after I learned that The Raid had happened only 2 months before and the owner was up to his ass in legal troubles because of it. Over a year on now since I’ve stayed there, and have not really heard how the place is fairing. There is a website at Aquarius Lodge& last time I checked it had a little (self-serving?) blurb on it’s ‘take’ on the raid. |