Well not really . . . you could always be in situation of "being in the wrong place . . . " in Thailand or any country for that matter.
I have heard that nothing in the nature of The Raid (in, I believe, Oct. or Nov. of 2000) has ever happened again since. So does that make it a "safe" place? Your guess is as good as anybody's. After what the owner went through during and after the raid, I'd be surprized if there were any illegal boys (either foreign workers or underage) allowed in there anymore . . . but who knows. I had a very nice 3 weeks there in 2001 with no problems at all . . . though we really only slept there as we were pretty well on the go from morning 'til night. So to us it was just an hotel: pleasant, friendly, quiet, good breakfasts, price about 900baht/day I believe. All we needed. (Though as I mentioned above, I heard the whole raid story only AFTER I left). |