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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Utah   What can the Staties do?

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Old 4th July 2006, 02:25 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 9
What can the Staties do?

Today I happened to pull into one of the rest areas in Vermont and wandered away from my car off into the woods as I often do. In the woods I found a cluster of men doing what a cluster of men will often do when they encounter each other in the woods. Shortly after I arrived and clearly demonstrated that I was open to a little play, a younger man approcahed the group and something about the man's appearance screemed out state trouper, although he might have just been an ex-GI with a short hair cut, the approach of this younger men had stop the group activity but there was little doubt what the nature of the game was by the fact that much man meat was hanging beyond the confines of the groups pants. Then the young man unzipped his fly, pulled out his cock and began to masterbate. This relaxed the other men and they went back to their play, but I decided to leave since I was fully dressed and standing ten feet or so from the group. As I left the group I wondered since the young man didn't join in with the group and remained an observer, not touching anyone else, if he could have arrested these other men for what they were doing.

My question is could an undercover cop/state trouper go so far as to pull out his cock and start beating off, and still arrest the other men for sodomy as long as he did not touch anyone in the group?
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