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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Virginia - Northern, District of Columbia, and Maryland   Hot mouth

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Old 5th April 2008, 08:55 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 13
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Hot mouth

Nice guy in Woodbridge is looking for other NICE guys for hot oral fun at my place in Lake Ridge. I only do oral. Please be in decent shape, be cut, sorry I don't like uncut dicks, and don't be a jackass. Our town has some pretty mean shallow men, that's for sure!
Single, partnered, married, it's all good. I'm NOT looking for love, just a hot time. I love being single.
Please be disease free as I am, and be into ORAL ONLY. I love to suck off a hot cock, and if I blow you, I bet you'll cum. Why do I advertise online for sex? Because I don't have a car, and I'm stuck in the burbs. If you want head that will curl your toes, come get some of my hot mouth. Blow me too, or just get done, either way is ok. I have a naked pic that I can e mail to you if you ask for it. I'm looking for blow buddies. NO ANAL.
I'm WAY into cock and cum. Hoping to find other guys who are like me. If you just want to get sucked off, thats ok too, just so long as you are HOT.
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Old 8th April 2008, 09:56 AM
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 2
I have a hot mouth too

I am game as long as I can get you to dump a load in my mouth. How do I get in touch. I am having a hard time with picures on this website so if you want pics (and I have some good ones) shoot me an e-mail.
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