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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Virginia - Northern, District of Columbia, and Maryland   Southwestern Adult Book Store "Update"

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Old 24th April 2010, 06:36 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 3
Southwestern Adult Book Store "Update"

Guys here's the latest news "Update" on Southwest Adult Book Store located in Arbutus/Halethorpe on 5648 Southwestern Blvd.I was there on Thursday night "late" about 3AM.I spoke to the Lady Clerk who told me that the neighborhood "community" association had put "pressure" on the business establishment as a whole to remove the word "Adult" on the outside sign.She also said that they had to change/alter the back room movie booths to Non-Adult.So,now there are still Approximately 6 "Adult" booths and about 6 Non-Adult Booths.The crowd did start to roll on in about 5AM when the MARC Trains cross the street startd to need to "Evade" this very nice book store due to "Rumors".And,for the RECORD........the Police did Not RAID the place!WE are all adults,and should Exercise our Constitutional RIGHT to where and what we participate in.If I want to "suck" Dick in an Adult Book Store...then I'm gonna Do that.Let's put a stop and "Quell" those bad Rumrs about Southwest Books.Come on back to Arbutus/Halethorpe and get your "suck" on,or get your Dick "sucked"!!!
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Old 24th April 2010, 02:38 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335

It has always amazed me that "community do-gooders" think by just closing down every ABS that men will stop looking for places and ways to get their dick sucked or ass filled. HOMOSEXUALITY has been around for thousands of years, long before printed magazines and video sex. Close down every ABS and guys will cruise the park, the Thruway rest areas, the local bars, a street corner. etc. If the ABS operator runs a clean shop and keeps control of things (including the parking lot), he should be left alone by these crusaders.

But the writer brings up a point I have made repeatedly. Customers may complain that there are non-adult movies cluttering up the booths, but the alternative is to show none. The first step in having a continued ABS operation is good customers. Not meaning ones who spend their money, but ones who take note of the rules and comply to insure these complainers have no ammo to shut down the ABS.
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