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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > West Virginia   Berkeley Springs WV

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Old 5th July 2006, 10:12 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 9
Question Berkeley Springs WV

Hi Guys,

Do you know of anyone in this town that likes to give erotic massages? Not just someone who gives a back rub, but a profession who charges for massages and guarantees a happy ending.

At home they are mostly given by Asian females which is OK by me since I am bi. Their places are easy to spot. Years ago there was a motel across the highway from an adult book store. The last time I went there it was gone. They used to have a great big neon sign, as I recall, advertising massages. It is easy to see why the might have been closed down.

The ABS was miserable, by the way. One grumpy clerk, you had to become a "member," and most of the booth's were not even operating, although he did not bother to tell me when I bought some tokens. Plenty of glory holes waiting for use, but I was the only person there and can JO in my motel room.

So, if you have any suggestions for places to go around here (Berkeley Springs) I would like to have that. Otherwise, I will just go to the city baths and get one of those cheap massages like George Washington did way back when. Maybe swim in the pool and get a huge hardon!
Your Friend in Virginia
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