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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > West Virginia   Skiing Fridays at Whitetail,PA

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Old 23rd December 2006, 07:38 AM
Posts: n/a
Angry Skiing Fridays at Whitetail,PA

Skiing Friday was a rain out. So I continued over to Berkley Springs to check out the ABS I read about on CFS. What a mistake. The clerk was totally rude. Even so much as to walk back into the video arcade and beat on doors with her cane yelling don't make be open these doors. She was keeping count of how many went back and if there wasn't the same number of videos running she would start her ranting. Since most all booths have gloryholes, with unique openable covers, she should expect there be action going on in the booths. There's a sign that warns not to drop more than one quarter at a time but a beeper goes off if you don't drop a quarter fast enough.
That clerk has definitely driven away this paying customer.
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