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Message Board > Announcements From and Your Feedback to CRUISING for SEX > Suggestions, Complaints, Comments   Now that Craigslist sex ads are history ...

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Old 17th June 2018, 05:46 PM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 7
Now that Craigslist sex ads are history ...

Bob --

Thanks for your continuing effort with CFS. I used to be an active user back some years and, like so many others, drifted away because of low traffic and the availability of Craigslist.

I wonder if there are now some ways to bring the CFS traffic back since the important Craigslist resource is unavailable. Yes, there are Grindr and Scruff, but the CFS model is different and attractive in its special way.

I don't know the "tricks" to suggest, but I'm sure there are some ways of advertising essentially free of charge.
--Cheers, Rod
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Old 18th June 2018, 09:02 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557


The first step was rehosting the site, which was mostly completed in April. There's a couple loose ends I still need to tie up from that. Rehosting has made CFS run a bit faster and not crash as often. It's also less expensive too.

One loose end is finishing the installation of new Newsletter software. CFS needs to send at least monthly emails out to people about the site and reminding them to come back and post here.

For advertising, I already have one deal set up that's just waiting for me (or a volunteer, perhaps?) to create banner ads for CFS to display on the other site. I may also start using Google Ads again, but carefully and setting a budget. Using Google Ads, I'd have to study what other sites in this market do (i.e., Squirt, moreso than the hookup Apps).

I can say we are already seeing more traffic than we did before Craigslist Personals shut down. Income is up, and that's great because CFS had been losing a lot of money.

There's additional plans to upgrade the site, make it mobile-friendly, etc., that I've had to keep putting off because of more immediate business and personal needs. Hoping those will all be sorted out soon.

Bob S. ~ Manager/Editor
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