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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Babylon again!
Thread: Babylon again!
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Old 25th February 2002, 07:17 PM
Thai Guy
Very Nice Guy
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 177

Was there last night and could not beleive my luck! Had 4 guys (English, Thai, German and Australian - one at a time!), 6 hot and steamy sessions in 4 hours! Wondering if it was my good sexes or my look that brought me luck! Got there at 5:30 pm and after walking around for 10 minutes then an Englisg guy came along. He's only 37 y/o...hummm...and surprise surpise he is leaving for Sydney this evening same time as me but different airlines.

Back to Babylon, it was crowded last night. I did wonder why, but then got an answer this morning when no one's gone to work! Anyway, the shower and pool area was closed last night and I heard a staff told a customer that it's going be closed for refurbishment. Did not really have time to check other areas. Six sessions in 4 hours did not leave me time to do anything else. Got to say it's still the best place for sexes in Bangkok.

Jtrack baby, when that Aussie guy talked to me I noticed he had aussie accent and immediately I hoped that that was you but pity he wasn't!