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Old 25th February 2002, 07:17 PM
Very Nice Guy
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 177

Was there last night and could not beleive my luck! Had 4 guys (English, Thai, German and Australian - one at a time!), 6 hot and steamy sessions in 4 hours! Wondering if it was my good sexes or my look that brought me luck! Got there at 5:30 pm and after walking around for 10 minutes then an Englisg guy came along. He's only 37 y/o...hummm...and surprise surpise he is leaving for Sydney this evening same time as me but different airlines.

Back to Babylon, it was crowded last night. I did wonder why, but then got an answer this morning when no one's gone to work! Anyway, the shower and pool area was closed last night and I heard a staff told a customer that it's going be closed for refurbishment. Did not really have time to check other areas. Six sessions in 4 hours did not leave me time to do anything else. Got to say it's still the best place for sexes in Bangkok.

Jtrack baby, when that Aussie guy talked to me I noticed he had aussie accent and immediately I hoped that that was you but pity he wasn't!
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Old 25th February 2002, 08:33 PM
Fair to Moderate
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Thai Guy, I'm practicing my Aussie accent, but now still English...a little almost North Cambridge accent at the moment....didn't go to Babylon last night...I guess I can only catch you at the Amari Airport Hotel pool!! Last night I was busy with this excellent Ubon guy I found at Extreme bar last night. I was looking at him and he was staring at me. He was slim, dark and innocent. He came to my home and stayed till mid morning after cuming 4 times. He seemed to like me as much as I liked him. He even turned off his cell phone as soon as he came in the house! Now that's real class! Certainly a long-term friendship there.
Just to continue off topic a little this original thread could amble along aimlessly for ever...does a boys ejaculate load decrease in force and quantity after multiple cums, or just force?
I was having a massage the other day and the boy was sitting on my stomach(almost on my penis) and masturbating and when he came, his first spurt went clear over my head and hit the wall hard, behind me. As I'd just been to Home Pro, I had a tape measure with me and the wall was 1.5 meters from his penis. That seemed quite exceptional even for a 20 year old.
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Old 7th March 2002, 03:24 PM
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Well.. yes yes.. everyone of us is crying for the old Babylon.. but life has to go on... and after the first 6 months of the New Babylon, the guys started to accept the new Babylon as well, so it's apparently - my opinion - still the best place to find a lot of nice non-money boys.. I preferred the Obelisks (less farangs there ;-) ), but this place had to close in December last year... :-(( .. and the Chakran? not bad, but not as many guys there as in Babylon, I think. I even went to the new "Amen"-Sauna in Ramkaenhaeng in December, but I was the only (!) guest there.. would be interested to know, if it's better there now.

And, the Barracks.. well.. I stayed 2 nights in a Babylon Barroness "suite"-room (which has just the size of a big normal hotel room - these Baroness rooms for 3500bt), it's nice, but not worth the money. And I had a look at the Standard rooms.. not good! No bathroom...:-(
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Old 8th March 2002, 03:56 PM
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That's the idea, Chris26! The fun of staying upstairs is to lurk in the showers, hoping that hunky Thai guy next to you drop the soap!

Enough about the old Babylon. That place would always be a Xanadu that brings back fond memories, like the Continental Baths in NY, or the pre-condom orgies then.

The new Babylon will establish its unique clientele of guys who are hungry for hot wild sex and just looking for a playground. None of that faux-oriental aesthetics and furnishing as it will just detract the Babylon from its intended role of a versatile fuckspace. Hasn't any other regulars here see how hard the crowd, Thai or otherwise, there has become? Less talk/shy smiles there these days, more insolent gropes and brushing offs.
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Old 9th March 2002, 11:23 AM
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I visited the new babylon about 10 times, but only the last time i found the darkroom behind the disco. Is this new or have i not see the entrance before?
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Old 12th March 2002, 03:33 AM
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Babylon really should do some repairs of the shower area near the open air bar. As mentioned above, somebody might soon be electrocuted and the place is dirty

As I understand the owner is very rich, money should not be the reason why repairs are not being undertaken immediately
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Old 12th March 2002, 01:13 PM
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Expecting the worst was very pleasantly suprised with Bablyon . Was at last Fri's foam party. Wonderful. Loads of cute young Thais. Only minor complaint is the indentations around the trees in the bar/foam area which are easy to stumble into. Outside of Thailand these would be filled in quickly due to the potential of law suits.
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Old 12th March 2002, 10:33 PM
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Posts: 5

Glad you had your fun a babs. I have to agree with a couple of the correspondents that the place is getting dirty and there is definately some safety issues to be taked care of. Have to say though that some of my friends and others now don't go to the foam parties or participate in them following skin infections.

I know that it's too late to complain but I do so agree with many others that the old Babylon had a great atmosphere, and that the present clientele are definately more insolent, there is less social chit chat as there used to be when you sat in the roof garden area of the old place and the guys would walk up to you and sit and chat or play eye games with you from across the way.

As to the Barracks, well, I have to admit I have never paid to stay there. I have stayed a few nights there with guys I have picked up and I have ended up having some very hot parties at 4,5 6 o'clock in the morning. The weekend atmosphere there is reminisent of the New York and Philbeach hotels in Earls Court in London and Trades in Blackpool. Guys walking around most the night having sex out in the open, guys with their doors open as an invite to enter for some fun. Now that is really cruising for sex!
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Old 13th March 2002, 07:39 AM
Join Date: Feb 1999
Posts: 136

Ah, the old Philbeach Hotel. I know it well. I can still see the hall light shining into my room because, ooops!, I forgot to close the door in my top floor room. I never did get much sleep there, but had some great times with all sorts of guys. Maybe I'll be there again one day. And I'm still Wilde About Ocsar.
My Mouth Is Your Cum Receptacle...
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Old 13th March 2002, 08:17 PM
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Yes the old Philbeach Hotel. Actually run by a British guy and his Thai boyfriend. My last stay there about a year ago, I thought that the place has got a little run down. Breakfast is very basic, the downstairs bar a bit tacky and full of transvestites. Personally not my sort of bar. Also cupid, you may like this thought, some of the transvestites keep their doors open at night and so that butch number you saw entering the room an hour or so earlier may not be quite as butch as you thought. One thing about the Philbeach I have always liked is the cute Aussie guys at the reception, who will make a room visit after hours.

I do have a fond memory of walking out of my room at 3am or so to visit the loo and stumbling across a group sex session on the landing below the top floor, involving a very chunky Mexican, a Welsh guy who was an excellent cocksucker, a cute guy from Sheffield who was so nervous that his b/f would come out of his room and find him at it, and a couple from Canada and the USA. The fun thing is that guys were coming back to the hotel from their late night partying and didn't bat an eye at the on going fun. Actually, a meal at Oscars is still good by the way.
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Old 14th March 2002, 10:00 PM
Very Nice Guy
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Posts: 177

Back to the Babs. Was there last night after having just arrived from San Francisco. Was anyone there last night and what do you think about the 'quality' of most people who were there last night? I was rather shocked really to see so many unattractive guys. For those of you who have read my postings regulary you know I am not really a choosy bugger, but I must say I really wonder where most guys at the Babs last night were from. Will give it another go tonight!. Hope Friday is going to be better
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Old 14th March 2002, 10:58 PM
Fair to Moderate
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Posts: 49

Hi Thai G..welcome. There were no handsome guys there last night, because CuriousBiNature and I were at Banana Sauna and Wank Shop. Banana is much improved with very helpful mama and un-spoilt boys. Like Hero and Jupiter, the waiters, for me, are more attractive than the boys, but at Banana, they are part of the merchandise anyway. Very good value and a fair choice. May see you at Babylon tonight...or CuriousBi at least!
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Old 15th March 2002, 12:12 AM
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PS: the waiters at Hero are also available for massage, if they're not too busy.
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Old 15th March 2002, 05:15 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219

Did you check out Steamworks and Eros during your San Fran sojourn Thai Guy?.Strangely I only saw one Asian Guy at the saunas there which is very odd considering the cities' Chinese heritage.
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Old 16th March 2002, 01:33 PM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 5

Was at Babs today and have to agreee the guys are not as attractive or as friendly as I reacll from the old palce. Perhaps my views jaundiced by the views expressed here. I did go with the objct of not getting my balls emptied so I can use my Zinc suppliment but as an observer. My view is that it's not really the state of the place, friendliness of the staff, facilities etc, but that so many of the guys I knew 3 or 4 years ago have moved on either back home to get married (under family pressure), have moved either to Europe, Australia, or North America, and just not around anymore, and that the quality, outlook, and friendliness of the guys at Babs now, is just not the same as the guys there before. In fact, I tend to make out with more Europeans than Thai/Asians these days. Some of the Thai's in Babylon now just look plainly annoyed at you if you look at them, and seem to have forgotten how to smile in that special way.
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