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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Babylon again!
Thread: Babylon again!
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Old 18th March 2002, 01:27 PM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 5

Thai guy, obviously we have not(unfortunately) met. Something to make up for in the future maybe? It is a concern that attitudes at the new Babs have changed. Surly looks from the Asian guys, groups of Thai/Asian guys in corners/groups looking at farang with obvious distaste and talking amongst each other. At times I feeel very unwelcome there and it's not from what happens upstairs etc., It starts from the time I arrive and pay my entrance fee. At the old Babylon, I would be wai-ed, smiled at, have a joke with the cashier, etc. Now it's "just give me the correct money and get your ass out of my sight" look. As stated before, the best thing about Babs now is the Baracks and the foreigners who invite you back for the very late night fun. At the old Babs the gym was huge fun and a great pic up place. Now it's Asian/Thai muscle mary's. Even a Singaporean pal has said he wouldn't go back to babs because of the awful attitude.

It really is such a shame, as the New Babylon seems to be going the sane way as DJ Station. The attitude being, "we have our reputation - now just come and enjoy as we take your money and don't give a fuck about cleanliness, noise, overcrowding etc., etc., etc."