Penis is correct....but in true left-wing
fashion Swallowme wants to silence him...just see his last post.
I don't think that the majority of the gay community needs to fear the right-wing or
Republicans. Keep in mind that these two groups are not always the same. I think we need to fear the "left-wing, activist thought-police" which is so evident in these boards.
Sunn and Penis....and all others who have the courage to challenge the looney-left...go ahead. We need some words of wisdom or at least common sense.
One thing the lefties may find interesting is the FACT that President Bush won the election and he carried Florida...See both CNN and FoxNews sites for the news from there should be no more whinning about Bush not winning........I know this is almost ancient history but why do we never hear from these same whinners about the fact that Kennedy (JFK) "stole" the 1960 election...just how many dead people in Chicago and San Antonio voted for him...and they were so orderly that they even did it in alphabetical order (LOL).....more of the double standard !! It seems that it is OK for Saint JFK do win by dead people..but President Bush is critized for winning and taking the prize!!