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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Sexual Preference for Specific Race of People
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Old 7th February 2001, 08:34 PM
Posts: n/a

Always so interesting (& down right funny) to read these threads where the only crime committed has been "polyannas" sticking their eloquent noses into other people's business.
The whole question of Mamo Verga's post, dudes, is how to handle obnoxious morons in a gay cruising establishment! HELLO!!! If y'all quit trying to be the "Hardy Boys" of phsychology and just answer the poor man's question, the world would be a better place! Y'all are just as obnoxious as those trolls who can't take "no" for an answer.

Here's my answer, Mamo Verga: These people (whatever their race) don't "get it" in life. They've never been able to have proper social manners, never been able to respect other people's spaces, and have never been able to assimilate to the crowd around them. And ever since the '60's Flower Child movement (where we should accept all things and love our fellow man), these people have been able to get away with their social disgraces on the basis that the world should accept EVERYONE! Well, you know what, dudes???? Sometimes you just have to NOT love your fellow man & tell him to his face what a social misfit he is....whatever his race. And when they cry "foul! racism!" proves that they truly don't "get it" in life.

So, alas, you may have to give up your favorite bathhouse...for the time being. There's always something just around the corner for a gay man in Dallas. (Try Neiman Marcus);-) I know I'VE had to find a different cruising place ever now & then. But, ultimately, the crowds change, the morons are replaced by other morons, the studs are replaced by other studs. And life continues to be full of analytical bullsh....ers.

And that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.