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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Sexual Preference for Specific Race of People
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Old 9th February 2001, 01:59 AM
Posts: n/a

You are so full of it Mama Vergo! You only seem to like it when guys agree with you...
you seem to think there is an arbiter of good taste who will only allow you to see the posts that you deem acceptable to your fragile sensibilities. You made this same bullshit case on another board. Maybe you could ask Keith to kindly delete the offending ads. And while he's at it, maybe give the owner of your favorite baths a call and have them stop letting so many pesky blacks in. Golly, how's a guy supposed to have a good time?!

Poor Mama Vergo, he has to put up with those pesky people who just scratch and claw to get at his perfect little torso! You know how to stop their behavior. Stop going. But no, you think you are entitled to getting "our" place back from all those black men.

You are the one who singled out blacks for special disapproval. Why do you expect everybody to just jump on your bandwagon?

If you didn't expect comments like this, you would have asked for "advice" in the Sex Advice section, not the sexual politics section.