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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Sexual Preference for Specific Race of People
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Old 18th February 2001, 02:07 AM
Posts: n/a

Posted by sandog:
"...but you make a great error in lumping white guys and Asians together. We don't look alike or share the same culture or necessarily have the same tastes in men. If you want to see proof of the kind of mean-spiritedness, ignorance and downright vitriol directed at Asian gays, search back for a thread on why Asians should be banned from sex clubs in LA. Pretty eye-opening and sad stuff."

Yep. These threads are bringing up a lot of what constitutes the arguably justifiable hostility that other oppressed groups feel towards White gay men. There are many Black people (straight and gay), Asians (straight and gay), women, and others who strongly resent when White gay men compare their experience of perceived oppression to other non-White/non-male groups. The comments made against Blacks and Asians in these threads gets to the core of a lot of the issue.

White men, gay or straight, lead comparatively privileged lives than others in America. Take a look at the entitlement that screams out of the comments made against Blacks or Asians who are described as invading and disrupting formerly White (mostly) gay cruising environments. I suspect that the people doing the complaining about the non-White cruisers may not even be aware of how they sound to others.

This is what comes from being a member of a sexually oppressed culture (gays) while enjoying the benefits of being part of the dominant culture in America (White men).

White gay men do suffer oppresson. But, their experience does not compare to that of say a Black gay man, or an Asian gay man, or even a Black lesbian. There are differences in culture and experience that need to be appreciated and acknowledged.

Dismissing all of this with a "preference" expanation fails to deal with anything effectively.