Posted by Mamo:
" far as looney...well you are
entitled to your opinion...but since I
am in the mainstream (very much) of
American political thought....maybe
you are the one who is a bit looney"
As a self-identified gay man, you are hardly in the mainstream thanks to your sexual orientation. But, it sounds like it is something that you desperately crave and want to believe. Maybe that also explains your dismissal of Blacks. Could it be that association with them takes away from your mainstream image?
Denial is an ugly thing, Mamo.
P.S. As far as being one those "foaming-at-the-mouth liberals.." that you describe. Well, I'd rather be any kind of a liberal than a head-up-my-ass conservative Republican.
Fuck you very much.
[This message has been edited by Jake2001 (edited February 18, 2001).]