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Old 16th February 2001, 05:59 PM
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Posted by Guy:
"...boy did I pop a bag of popcorn to watch the old familiar antics of the Clinton haters. I think he owes much of his political success to this demented collection of K-mart republicans. It wasn't that the people loved Clinton so much. It was that they were repulsed by the obsessive quality of his detractors. The very people that keep him in the spotlight.

It really is quite priceless."

You said it!
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Old 16th February 2001, 06:41 PM
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Sybil is afoot, Jake. Yesterday white, today a man of color, tomorrow a man of red hair, all supporting one another. Always a sunny disposition...and an embarassing tendency to repeat the same rhetoric.

It's real bad when the MPDs have echolalia too.
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Old 16th February 2001, 07:03 PM
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Are you saying what I think you are saying?

I was half joking about not understanding the Sun guy's posts and about the Irish guy being a "dope" or a "looney." Mamo is clearly an idiot.

Now, it looks like it's not such a joke. Good grief. I could not, for the life of me, figure out all the references to representing "liberation" and the true freedom of all gay men. Now, it makes sense. We're dealing with a schizo with delusions of grandeur.

My greatest sympathies to all Republican supporters. You've got a whacko for a spokesperson -- people -- whatever. LOL!
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Old 16th February 2001, 10:16 PM
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Old 16th February 2001, 11:54 PM
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Bongo, you sly ole dog. You should have remained a "Free Gay Man". But, hey, it was fun getting you to show your cards. Got any WEHO bedtime stories for us?
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Old 17th February 2001, 12:10 AM
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What in the Hell???

The profile I read on the Sun guy says that he lives in Florida. Why the obsession with WEHO and Hollywood Boulevard? Bongo strikes me as a gay man who is free already. What is the meaning of such comments?

If you're sending in morse code, I don't get the message, Sun. Do you, bongo?

A bedtime story? How about the one about the Republican who spent too much time in the sun and fried his brains out in Florida -- or Hollywood Boulevard -- or WEHO -- or Venus? I think you need a hypo shot, bud.

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Old 17th February 2001, 08:23 AM
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LOL...Sundog, like the usual hypocrite, once again accuses others of his own behavior. Nice attempt at giving your bumbling a motive, SunRedBlackWhite, but no cigar.

If you're going to repeatedly create handles to bolster your "arguments" -- from your libertoonian dogma to your vaguely disguised wish to "mentor" the young (I love the kid characters you create to stroke your pedophiliac fantasies) -- you'd do yourself a favor not to get so repeatedly seduced by the pomposity of your rhetoric.

While it's true many of us here change our screen names now and then, it's only you who predictably creates a false consensus through a simultaneous, um, multiplicity of handles.

The rest of you can go back and read "Red's" initial post in October, just after Sun was caught in his usual dishonesty: I spotted your immediate reincarnation then too. Your habit of self congratulation by fictional secondary screen names far precedes Jake's and my arrival here. And, sorry, Mr. Ped, not everyone is guilty of your own dishonesty.

I have a fantasy that whatever you use to keep track of all your simultaneous screen names must resemble the organization chart of the federal government.

Rationality is of course pointless with you and you'll have your usual vitriolic response. Others will see, though. You know, it's too fuckin' bad you spoil these forums with your dishonesty. It would be cool to have someplace on the web to discuss sexual freedom without the intrusion of a pedophiliac Libertarian who is so dishonest he'll even change his skin color to give his arguments credibility.

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Old 17th February 2001, 11:32 AM
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Whether or not this Sun fellow, or the Red guy, or the Mamo jerk are all the same person doesn't make any difference to me really. Bongo, you're probably dead on with your points.

My point is that none of the characters, no matter what their used name, has done an effective job of defending Republicans. Nor have any of them intelligently explained the reasons that "liberals" or "Democrats" have failed in their eyes.

They have either babbled contradictory statements, told weird tales about Hollywood Boulevard or WEHO bedtime stories, or simply failed to address any issues brought up here.

Collectively and individually they have flunked. The Republican supporters had better hope that this is simply one person disguising himself as many in order to defend his own rhetoric. Otherwise, the posts suggest a consistent profile of utter buffoons out there who are supporting Republicans. LOL!!!
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Old 17th February 2001, 09:41 PM
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Gay money is helping bring back internalized homophobia. Pay attention to what Republicans are saying. They think gay shame is a good thing, and they want more of it.

Gays who donate money to the Republicans are helping reverse the gains of the past two decades. When Clarence Thomas proclaims a cultural war it means he wants to punish homosexuals.

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Old 18th February 2001, 12:24 AM
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Posted by Dwight:
"Gays who donate money to the Republicans are helping reverse the gains of the past two decades."

Gays who donate money to a political party that is more openly anti-gay (as the Republicans are) than any other major political party running for office in America today have a different set of priorities.

Money is the issue here, Dwight -- or the fear of losing it. I think a lot of people feel increasingly threatened by the conservative swing that is sweeping the nation. Times are tough. People seem to believe that the Republicans will promise them lots of green. The rest will take care of itself in their eyes. This isn't the case. But, you are dealing with a lot of denial and fear here.

On the other side, there are a lot of gay sell-outs who enjoy the ivory towers that they are living in right now. To Hell with everyone else as long as they can continue to take their pleasure cruises several times a year and live in "nice" neighborhoods without being confronted by any "riff-raff."

It's a tough nut to crack, Dwight.
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Old 18th February 2001, 05:49 AM
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Jake and Bongo.....maybe they are the
same person.....that would explain so many for "looney" thoughts...from the whinning

As for me......I am an individual with only
one name....I dont use other names to
make my point... far as looney...well you are
entitled to your opinion...but since I
am in the mainstream (very much) of
American political thought....maybe
you are the one who is a bit looney...and I
should also include Bongo in that as well...

Take care...this has been an interesting thread.....even Blackman agreed in a post a couple of days ago with me....or defended me against mostly you two foaming-at-the-mouth liberals..

Have a good day.
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Old 18th February 2001, 07:15 AM
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Being in the "mainstream of political thought (very much)" hardly confers either sanity or correctness. I won't bother with a history lesson to demonstrate ALL those times majorities took the wrong point of view -- like the longstanding disenfranchise of black Americans and women for one small example.

Nor will I give you a civics lesson. But I WILL remind you that American democracy PRESUMES, for all its practical failures, that more wisdom often exists among minorities than majorities. That's why the Constiution was written and has been amended to protect minorities.

Watch the inflation, Mamo. It only compounds your ignorance with arrogance.

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Old 18th February 2001, 10:47 AM
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You're right Mamo Verga. Jake2001 and Bongo are indeed the same person. And both are the same FREEGAYMN who promised us he would not come back to this site after he was frustrated in his many earlier attempts to flame this board. FREEGAYMN/JAKE2001/BONGO all have the same Modus Operandi and always use the same syntax when writing. What always forces them to reveal their same identity is to draw them into a discussion that takes a position completely opposite theirs. Its not only the telltale syntax tipoff that reveals their singular identity, it is also the useage of 'certain' words and 'phrases' that tips us off.

Rest assured that Jake2001/Bongo are only the latest in a long line of identities FreeGayMn will resort to in his Liberal bashing of Conservatives. He has been very despondent since the political winds have shifted once again in Washington. So long as we have Gay Liberals bashing other non-liberal gays, the very least of our problems are Conservative Republicans. With such discourse within the Gay Community, homophobes and heterosupremists have nothing to worry about.

Always the hydrant and never the dog. Some things just never change for the Gay Community (emphasis on inclusive) at large.

[This message has been edited by SunDogg (edited February 18, 2001).]
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Old 18th February 2001, 12:09 PM
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Posted by Sun:
"Jake2001 and Bongo are indeed the same person."


"FREEGAYMN/JAKE2001/BONGO all have the same Modus Operandi and always use the same syntax when writing."

I am my own person. Pretty scarey to think that there are so many liberals out there who share the same values. I happen to agree with a lot of what bongo posts.

In fact, I think he nailed you when he said that you use Irish and a couple of other handles to bolster your own rhetoric. He is probably right on about you being a hypocrite and accusing others (as you are now) of doing what you actually do yourself. But, he is not me. Where is there a "FREEGAYMAN" in this thread? LOL!

In all honesty, I couldn't care less if it turns out that you actually have 300 names that you use to post here. I have one and that is sufficient for me. But, like I said, individually or collectively the posts from Sun/Irish/Whoever have not effectively addressed the issue at hand or proven capable of responding directly and intelligently to anyone who challenges their positions. That is where you consistently fail, and I suspect that is why (in desperate frustation) you are trying to use these false accusations as a means of distracting from your own staggering ineptitude. You are RETORTED, Mister! LOL! In response, you seem incapable of doing nothing but standing there with your diapers around your ankles screaming, "Liar, liar pants on fire!" LOL!

Now, maybe all of us can stick to the topic at hand without anymore meaningless deviations. Sun, you are a real whacko.

The One and Only

[This message has been edited by Jake2001 (edited February 18, 2001).]
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Old 18th February 2001, 12:18 PM
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Posted by Mamo:
" far as looney...well you are
entitled to your opinion...but since I
am in the mainstream (very much) of
American political thought....maybe
you are the one who is a bit looney"

As a self-identified gay man, you are hardly in the mainstream thanks to your sexual orientation. But, it sounds like it is something that you desperately crave and want to believe. Maybe that also explains your dismissal of Blacks. Could it be that association with them takes away from your mainstream image?

Denial is an ugly thing, Mamo.

P.S. As far as being one those "foaming-at-the-mouth liberals.." that you describe. Well, I'd rather be any kind of a liberal than a head-up-my-ass conservative Republican.

Fuck you very much.

[This message has been edited by Jake2001 (edited February 18, 2001).]
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