Sex Wizard: First off, if you want people to take you seriously, then don't make personal attacks on someone who disagrees with your ideas. Calling me "self-centered" is not going to get you anywhere except a label as someone too insecure to have his ideas questioned and challenged. Since I live in the US and the vast majority of people posting here live in the US -- just check their profile information -- it's not unreasonable to point out that your system won't have a chance to even be considered in this country.
Secondly, if people who become positive get kicked out of the program and therefore their records become inaccessible to third parties, what exactly would be the point of your system? Aren't you proposing it so that people can learn whether someone they want to have sex with is positive or negative?
If your system can only say that someone's negative (and even that's questionable since it all depends on how updated the information would be in your system) what is someone to do with a partner who's been kick out because he tested positive? A potential partner won't know that the person tested positive and got kicked out since whoever is in charge of your system won't be able to reveal this. The potential partner only knows the person is not in the database. Does such a system really help the gay community, even if all the other potential for abuse and misuse never comes true?