Just like guys different hotels and there style and location appeal to different people. What usally makes a really great hotel great is the people who work in them and the service they give. A good manager knows the #1 rule in hiring is appearance..maybe thats why all the guys in the 5 Stars keep getting hit on and more than a few hitting back, I agree with the previous post the hotels who charge a lot figue if your going to pay that much your not going to do anything to embarass yourself or the hotel..most of the time....I can tell you more than a few stories though that a lot of people would not want public
What is usually good reading is how long guests stay when brought into the hotel. From 3 min to three days( a lot of room service)Everyone should also know that alot of the guys come back and back again with differnt new friends much to the humor and amusment of some of the staff.....
anyways..act right dress right..smile and be polite and have fun....otherwsie why be there.
the hard part is working around a lot of great looking guys and not be able to touch!!