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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - cost to keep a boy
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Old 16th February 2002, 10:54 PM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 25


Assuming I have found an average villiage guy(Which so far seems to be the case) that so far has spent every thing he has gotten from me on his family in the forest. What is the likelyhood he would stay with me. He seems genuine enough but rarely asked for money wants to start a business but lacks the know how of city life. Hates being a Go Go boy but like many of them had no real choice. Dosen't seem to be lazy especially in bed. Oops persoanl.

So what is the likely hood if I do love him that and we love each other (Almost God Forbid that should really happen)That he being young would forgo the best years of his life to spend with an old dude like me. Will I end up living in the villiage too. Not That I would mind that either as long as I can bring in a good bed. Hehehe

I have talked to Oat who is as street wise as they come. Don't get me wrong he is honest but he is all business. He has not given me any real warnings. It would certainly be to his advantage to since I use him for almost every thing I do there.

what is the chance I have run into a bad one or what is the chance a good one but smart.

While I am there, it would be nice if one of you guys would consider a free dinner of your choice with us, (Under 100 USD please)And meet the guy talk to him tell me what you think.
