Being a gay man and also involved in the AIDS research profession, I find this string to be fascinating. Over time through discussions with colleagues and research results I have come to a few conclusions.
The transmission of HIV is quite possible through any kind of unprotected sex. We never know when we may have some kind of inflammatory process or break in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. You can make sure you haven't brushed your teeth or flossed before you engage in sucking that gorgeous uncut dick but the truth is that many people have gingivitis even if they seem to have good oral hygeine(if you brush your teeth and don't get them cleaned regularly you probably suffer from gingivitis or some other asymtomatic periodontal affliction). Any kind of inflammatory process ie: gingivitis cold sores(herpes) apthous ulcers or allergies compromises the integrity of your mouth. The fable that you have to have a cut or sore or laceration in your mouth is plain fantasy! Believe me I still do my share of cum swallowing it has proven to be a source of great satisfaction and a big turn-on.
Having unprotected sex of any kind is a calculated risk and ranges from protected sex(Rubber encased dick) to full on Barebacking and the exchange of bodily fluids. I make no judgements about any of this behavior. Being fully informed is something we all should be.
Someone in this string spoke of the viability of deepthroating vs just taking the cum in your mouth. From the current volume of research ( some of which is good and some bad) HIV has been blamed for being the virus behind the disease called aids. Science in some ways mimics religion in that people who are believers become dogmatic and inflexible. Science is like any other discipline in the sense that we have never really arrived and when we begin to think that we have nature tends to bite us on the backside! HIV may not be the sole factor that causes AIDS. Currently many researchers are rethinking the factor of HIV and AIDS. Check out the website
As in anything we need to use our common sense. We do know that HIV can and does get spread through oral sex. Those who swallow need to take that into consideration. Chlamydia and Ghonorrhea are often asymptomatic that means that the person who you are blowing may have either of those diseases in his throat and not have an inkling of it, the incidence of seroconversion doubles when Chlamydia or Ghonorrhea are present! I myself have gotten the old "Non specific Urethritis" from some dicksucker, more than once. We all take calculated risks, be sure that you do stop to calculate them!