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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Cock Suckees
Thread: Cock Suckees
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Old 30th August 2000, 04:11 PM
Posts: n/a

My future x-wife is a surgeon. Because of her exposure to blood, we were tested every three months. I was tested for every disease that can be transmitted.
In the past,many I have played with were married. Not saying that was an absolute that they were negative. 60% of HIV+ will not tell you.
There have been 320 reported cases in California since the inception of the virus using 1981. They claim they contractd the virus orally. Everything I have read tells me the following. 1. Urine is sterile 2 the cases that were reported claiming they received the virus orally are suspect. For a number of reasons. The virus is extremely delicate. Exposure to air kills it with in 13 seconds. There must be an entry point. The digestive secretions in the mouth will kill the virus. The gastric juices in the stomach will kill the virus. Without direct ejaculation the secretions prior to orgasm do not contain the virus because of their entering the urethra where the urine is discharged.
To sum all of this up Using a rubber I will never be able ejaculate. So, take it from there