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Message Board > Our Archives > Oral Sex -- Is it Safe?   Cock Suckees

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Old 10th November 1999, 12:52 PM
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in response to wavec--while it is probably a general concensus that a high viral load can cause you to be more infectious (as with any virus), current studies suggest that although a person's viral load is low, the amount of virus in the semen remains the same. so, it can be said that a person can still be just as infectious with a low viral load as a high viral load. play safe boys
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Old 12th November 1999, 07:59 PM
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What are the symptoms of VD of the mouth/throat?
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Old 27th April 2000, 06:46 AM
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This has been a useful discussion for me. I recently purchased some non-lubricated condoms that supposedly are for oral sex. Some have flavors and most are thin. I also bought dental dams because I am bi. Unfortunately, an opportuntity to use them has not happened. I am hoping they are acceptable as I want to suck and be sucked instead of always having JO. One problem I have and I understand is the reason AIDS is still rising among older men is that I and my partners cannot get hard enough for condoms. Sucking can be very good even with a not so hard cock which is one reason it is so popular with older guys and with those who like multiple sex,but the downside seems to be that without the condom there is a lot more risk. Any comments?
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Old 29th April 2000, 05:35 PM
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ok, so i got sucked yesterday and after I came i cleaned my dick and noticed a small about of blood on my penis. i wasn't bleeding, but the guy that sucked me must have had bleeding gums or something. So now I'm worried that this was very unsafe sex. Any thoughts? I know that getting sucked is generally very low risk, but what if the guy who sucks you has has bleeding gums?
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Old 30th April 2000, 07:12 AM
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If you noticed blood on your cock I would be concerned..
The facts are that receiving oral sex without a condom is not safe. Using a condom does not garentee safty either but it greatly improves the odds from no protection at all.
It's a fact you can easily get a STD from getting sucked and you can't tell by looking at someone if they got a STD or not.

While reported cases of getting more survere forms of STD such as HIV via oral sex is low compared to other methods, it can and does happen. Especially if you have any skin iretation or microscopic cuts on your penis (that you may not be aware of) or exposed to a high viral count of HIV in the suckers mouth.

Is your life and health worth it?
I use condom when I get sucked, at least over the head. I would not suck off a guy without him having a condom over the head at least.
Sure it is not as great as without a condom but its foolish to think your not taking a high risk. A lot of the guys sucking cock have multiple partners in a day and the odds of catching something is not as low as some tend to think.

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Old 30th April 2000, 01:24 PM
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There is a very good discussion of the risks of oral sex at

I don't think it's realistic to expect people to use condoms for oral. It is a sure way to prevent infection, but I doubt many people will follow it. The risk can be reduced by not taking cum in your mouth.
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Old 11th August 2000, 06:59 AM
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Hey guys,

I always wonder why lesbians never have to worry about HIV infection from their partners. Obviously, they have oral sex. There must be a reason......

Obviously oral sex is not as risky as other types of behavior. What gay/bi/str8 guy has NOT had oral sex without a condom? Anyone who has had sex has probably done this, so I guess we are all at risk.
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Old 16th August 2000, 07:44 AM
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it is very possible to contract HIV and other STD's from oral sex. I noticed way back in this thread that someone put in their reply that he didn't think there were "loads" of people with HIV going about having unsafe sex, and that people werent that stupid. well...I haven't been cruising for very long, and usually my cruising amounts to talking about it and fantasizing. I just recently recieved an anonymous email from a guy that tells me that he knew that he was HIV +, and didn't tell me for "his own reasons". That we had unsafe sex, and I should get tested immediately, and contact all that I have had unsafe sex with. !!I can't understand why people would be that irresponsible or "stupid", but they are and don't kid yourself about it, just because you wouldn't do such a thing. My life hangs in the balance at this moment, waiting for time to pass and information to be conclusive as to whether or not I have been infectected by a stranger that was selfish enough to put me in great danger just to have a few moments of pleasure. I don't know for sure what I did with this guy, because he wont reveal that to me, but I am assuming that we had oral sex, as that is what I have done with strangers.

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Old 16th August 2000, 02:12 PM
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Put the blame where it belongs--ON YOU!!! You should assume everyone you have sex with is poz and take appropriate actions. You don't know for sure what you did with this guy??? How many guys have you been with? If you're this paranoid about sex you shouldn't be having it. Many people don't even know their status. Do you ask your partners their status? You are the one that's irresponsible and stupid. The good news is that you are probably not infected, but go get tested so you can quit worrying.
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Old 22nd August 2000, 05:39 PM
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I recently had an awesome oral and safe experience. A guy I met online said he was married but liked m2m oral at times...he insisted on condoms, saying that he had some THIN ones, perfect for oral. Well, he really DID have a thick, cut 9 inhes, NOT "aol inches" either, and we traded oral...we sucked each other and before cumming we took off the condoms and watched each other shoot. Very safe and totally HOT too. Try it guys...just shop around for those condoms. It's plenty for me, and I don't worry about std's. Have FUN, and if you're ever "headed" to Panama City, me.
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Old 30th August 2000, 04:11 PM
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My future x-wife is a surgeon. Because of her exposure to blood, we were tested every three months. I was tested for every disease that can be transmitted.
In the past,many I have played with were married. Not saying that was an absolute that they were negative. 60% of HIV+ will not tell you.
There have been 320 reported cases in California since the inception of the virus using 1981. They claim they contractd the virus orally. Everything I have read tells me the following. 1. Urine is sterile 2 the cases that were reported claiming they received the virus orally are suspect. For a number of reasons. The virus is extremely delicate. Exposure to air kills it with in 13 seconds. There must be an entry point. The digestive secretions in the mouth will kill the virus. The gastric juices in the stomach will kill the virus. Without direct ejaculation the secretions prior to orgasm do not contain the virus because of their entering the urethra where the urine is discharged.
To sum all of this up Using a rubber I will never be able ejaculate. So, take it from there

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Old 31st August 2000, 08:01 AM
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>>In the past,many I have played with were married. Not saying that was an absolute that they were negative. 60% of HIV+ will not tell you.<<
Just because you've played and not got infected means nothing. I had thousands of sex patners and did not get infected until 1999, Thar shows the risk is low but not zero.

>>There have been 320 reported cases in California since the inception of the virus using 1981. They claim they contractd the virus orally.<<
Where are you getting these stats?

>>Everything I have read tells me the following. 1. Urine is sterile<<
So what? No one is saying you get HIV from urine.

>>The virus is extremely delicate. Exposure to air kills it with in 13 seconds.<<
Where did you get this information--please provide a source.

>>There must be an entry point. The digestive secretions in the mouth will kill the virus.<<
The entry point can be a cut or sore in the mouth

>>Using a rubber I will never be able ejaculate. So, take it from there<<
Using a rubber is no fun, but it's the guy doing the sucking that's at risk not the suckeee.
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Old 4th September 2000, 11:00 AM
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I will never forget the time I first played with another cock and actually put my mouth on it. It started when he sat down next to me in a crowded x-rated theatre in 1984. I decided to allow another male to put his hand on my exposed dick I was jerking off to a cumshot all over a womans face on the screen as everybody was in that theatre. We did some stuff in his car afterwards. Ive always been 100% hetro my whole life so this was a big moment in my life to allow this. I remember I didnt like the feeling of his thing in my mouth and we jo instead. But I still liked the feeling of sitting in x-rated theatres with other guys jo around you. John lennon spoke of his experience with this fantasy in some of his writings. Now since that time Ive tried sucking a handful of times I never have any desire to get sucked tho always around the x-theatre experience and especially when there is a blowjob going on onscreen. I guess Ive always a bit of an exibitionist. If I go to an all male movie I dont feel anything like that. I try to jo but it wont get hard. Guys sit down beside me and play with it but nothing happens. Yet if im in the straight movie I get an intense feeling like its ok to jo and suck his cock. Yet I dont consider myself Bi because I would never be sexually attracted to a male only females on the street. And if I put a condom on his cock I am actually turned on during the experience of sucking it BECAUSE I cant taste it at all, all I taste is the sterile taste of the condom but I like that it is like trying something taboo but keeping a safe distance from any trouble which is a very satisfying feeling psychologically for me as well. Like Im a sexual anarchist giving the bird to cultural attitudes towards sex. The same thing goes for jo too. I would be ok withtrying to get together with guys who are into totally safe stuff in this way with x-movies but from the strong assertions I cant get hard to its bareback or nothing or if they dont want to swallow I think there are no suckees that can say they enjoy it more with a condon on like I say about sucking. Just wanted to let it be known that not all guys hate condoms but in fact some like me are turned on by them i think double condoms are an even bigger turn on. But after scrolling through all of the posts I think Im in a big minority. But thats ok because Im probably lucky and still alive because Ive gotten sucked and fucked hundreds of prostitutes and have always put them on for both activities.
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Old 4th September 2000, 11:08 AM
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wow.all this talk got me so horny.everyone
that posted here,has a point.if you dont use
protection.its just a wait and see approach.
myself,i do visit bookstores when i get a time,which is not i dont find many
guys who like uncut cock.and i do,they dont
deep throat me.but i do,on ocassion.shoot in
a guys mouth.(only if he says to)which i find
real hot.even though im only avg size,i do
shoot a good load.which guys like.i love ct,
so when i do have time,there are plenty of
bookstores,and other places to go to find sex.well good luck,and happy safe hot sex to
all of you guys out there.
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Old 19th October 2000, 10:41 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi everyone,

I am curious about having guys and transexuals suck my cock.I want to wear a
condom while I am getting sucked and I see
that most of you say to use unlubricated rubbers but does anyone know of a good brandname I can start using and should I also put a water based lubricant on the inside of it?
i can't wait to get started but I'd rather be
safe than sorry.
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