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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Cock Suckees
Thread: Cock Suckees
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Old 31st August 2000, 08:01 AM
Posts: n/a

>>In the past,many I have played with were married. Not saying that was an absolute that they were negative. 60% of HIV+ will not tell you.<<
Just because you've played and not got infected means nothing. I had thousands of sex patners and did not get infected until 1999, Thar shows the risk is low but not zero.

>>There have been 320 reported cases in California since the inception of the virus using 1981. They claim they contractd the virus orally.<<
Where are you getting these stats?

>>Everything I have read tells me the following. 1. Urine is sterile<<
So what? No one is saying you get HIV from urine.

>>The virus is extremely delicate. Exposure to air kills it with in 13 seconds.<<
Where did you get this information--please provide a source.

>>There must be an entry point. The digestive secretions in the mouth will kill the virus.<<
The entry point can be a cut or sore in the mouth

>>Using a rubber I will never be able ejaculate. So, take it from there<<
Using a rubber is no fun, but it's the guy doing the sucking that's at risk not the suckeee.