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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Relationship issue
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Old 21st April 2004, 11:54 AM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 400

So, then... today's the day?

I'm not sure I understood what you meant when you said that "decisions are delayed until Wednesday." I take it this means Eight will let you know as of today who he is going to choose?

Um... Buddy, if this is true (and pardon me if I misunderstood), what kind of bullshit is that?

The fact that he has to even THINK it over and make his decision -- well, that really bugs me. True love doesn't hem and haw, dilly-dally, beat around the bush or whatever clichéd euphemism you want to assign to it.

He met someone TWO MONTHS ago and is now questioning an eight year relationship with you, one in which YOU feel you are in love. Sure doesn't seem like mutual love returned, does it?

When I (stupidly) introduced my ex to the little slimeball I thought I cared for, it took them all of THREE months to start collaborating on a way to get rid of me.

Had my partner REALLY loved me in the same way I loved him for fourteen years, he wouldn't have done this. But he didn't. So he did.

And I'm better off WITHOUT someone who doesn't really love me.

This does not mean I don't understand how difficult and painful this is for you. But even more than that, dude... you should be PISSED OFF. "Well, you just wait around and I'll give you my monumental decision on Wednesday. I'll let you know if I will give you the honor of being with me, or if I'm indeed going to choose someone I met two months ago."

That ain't love, dude. I'm so sorry... it just isn't. In fact, I know you won't want to hear this, but I have to say it: it's cruel, cowardly and childish behavior on his part.

This doesn't mean you can't or don't or shouldn't love him. You do. It DOES mean you deserve better.

Hopefully I didn't make the wrong assumptions here about what you said regarding this Wednesday deadline. If I did, I apologize in advance. If not... I'm also sorry that what I wrote wasn't a cuddly teddy bear-type of comforting post -- this kind of stuff just pisses me off.

To explain a little, and perhaps to give you a bit of insight into the dynamics of OTHER relationships, I'll break up my comments here and post something else immediately after. Keeping it all together would ruin the flow, be difficult to bridge together, and create for a lot of scrolling, so...
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