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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Gonorhea Alert
Thread: Gonorhea Alert
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Old 25th June 2004, 09:25 AM
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 84

I promised myself that I would be non judgemental in my answer on this BB. (I'll break the promise after answering the question)

A single levoquin tablet should cure a penile gonorrhea infection. However, there are a number of asian strains that are resistant to fluroquinolone therapy, and it is not recommended for people who acquire the infection in SE Asia, or Hawaii, and probably California.

You certainly could have been infected with gonorrhea from your insertive oral activity. Typically though, you have that thick, yellow-green, pussy discharge rather than the simple irritation you describe. Since you DON'T have classical symptoms, my recommendation is to NOT pop the levoquin, and DO see your doctor. Also, STDs love to travel in groups. You may well have GC, and have also been infected with chlamydia again. It's just too soon to be symptomatic from the chlamydia, and a single tab of levoquin will not knock it out. And you could also be harboring a host of other nasty things. Again, this good doctor recommends your seeing someone, before it becomes impossible to accurately diagnose you because of self medication.

Now the lecture: More your doctor's fault than yours. Levoquin is a very potent drug. We are seeing levoquin drug resistance all over the place, especially in bugs that make themselves at home in HIV positive patients. Your doctor had no business giving you any antibiotic for a cold, much less this particular one! It would not have helped you, you could have had an allergic reaction to it- which would have been far worse than the "cold" it was (not) designed to cure- and it promotes the growth of bacteria that are resistant! Guys, antibiotics have a very narrow range of use; they don't cure everything known to man, and most things infectious that are known to man cannot be cured with antibiotics.

Do I sound pissed off enough? It's a major pet peeve of mine.

Please, don't pop the pill, call your doctor (or another one!), and get properly checked out. For all you know, you might have gotten a minor abrasion in a very tender spot that will heal by itself. Keep me posted

Dr Danny
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