My mind will wander if I'm having BAD sex, but as I've mentioned here before, usually these musing tend to head in the direction of the leftover pizza in the fridge and the Star Trek rerun I have on tape. These tend to be more appealing to me than a dude who has no clue what he's doing, and I can't wait until the guy is out of here so I can hit the sofa.
Generally, I don't have much to fantasize about during sex when it is going well. I'm definitely into what is happening right then and there.
At the same time, however, I've had various encounters with guys who have put some porn on the TV for me to watch while they are sucking me off. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending.
If the porn in question turns me on, if it has guys I enjoy looking at, that's fine. It can be an added bonus, a bit of extra visual stimulation. Yet even the hottest porn pales in comparison to a guy who is taking good care of my dick. I will ALWAYS watch HIM and ignore the video. Guys who are doing a mediocre job at best... well, the porn can make an otherwise average experience more pleasant. But if the porn is awful, I can find it distracting, so that even with a GREAT cocksucker I get a little frustrated. Bad porn AND a bad cocksucker makes things even worse. Probably the worst experience of all has to be when a lousy cocksucker puts in lousy porn and then keeps WATCHING the lousy porn himself and not paying attention to my dick, of which he was doing a lousy job in the first place!
When I invite a guy over to my place, I do not put in porn. I like to focus on what we are doing, and frankly, I make enough noise and provide more filthy dialogue than any porn.
I have never thought about something I've seen in a porn movie when I'm with an actual human being. Only during very BAD encounters have I sometimes let my mind wander and thought of a guy who actually has pleased me in the past in order to possibly hasten an orgasm so I can put an end to a sticky situation.
I WILL sometimes think of a hot time I've had while waiting on someone to show up. It's just a mental atmosphere kind of thing. I may let various fantasies float through my head as I'm anticipating a hot blowjob soon to come. But I always turn my attention to the guy I'm with once he arrives.
In general, I think that SOME degree of fantasy during sex is acceptable, especially with a partner that one may have been with for a long time. But if you are thinking of NOTHING else but OTHER experiences or porn flicks, something isn't working right.