Wow, are definetly on track about the dependancy...
Tried jacking off this evening with NO porn and NO poppers and it was a NO GO. Blank mind, limp cock. So clearly I have just to stop both for awhile.
Yeah, I always disclose with regards to hiv. I don't think that's the problem. Because even with other poz guys (who I prefer to have sex with), I still have the no cumming problem.G
Guess I'm gonna have to see a therapist or something, cuz this is not gonna work. I'm only 41, sexy and in good health (hiv notwithstanding).
Thanks for the insightful comments, Scruffy! You're quite a guy...
I do fuck around with webcam sometimes...have in the past anyway...but not under the name WoofPDX. Under my regular internet handle I'm all over the net naked. Done some bear porn, too. But not sure why woofpdx would be a familiar name.
Thanks again and would love to talk more on this and other subjects