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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - poppers?
Thread: poppers?
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Old 24th August 2004, 06:05 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 400

I'm not sure how long the CFS servers keep old posts archived within their original forums -- to be honest I rarely backdate anything and check. There are traditional archives here, but they don't include everything ever written, just some select topics of particularly amusing value.

Anyway -- I think your question is kind of similar to the "six of one, half dozen of the other" metaphor. It really all depends on the preference of the individual. Just as some folks feel it is best to turn off their PC every time they are done using it, while others argue it is better to leave it on all the time: the truth is it probably doesn't matter either way.

I can tell you what I've observed and what I personally do for storage, though:

Like Matt, I keep most of my new bottles of poppers, the ones I will be using in the near future, at room temperature, tightly sealed. Not only does exposure to air evaporate and degrade the quality of poppers, but exposure to LIGHT isn't too good for them, either. I'm talking direct, bright sunlight here. Your poppers probably won't last long if you keep them on the window sill next to the apple pie you are cooling. Overhead lighting and table lamps aren't going to be much concern. But as you've noticed, poppers are contained in dark amber colored bottles and there's a reason for that: the chemical composition can be destabilized by intense light.

When kept tightly sealed, as they age, you may find that sometimes it is tough to get the cap open again. You may be tempted to use your teeth to unscrew it. Don't. You can break the cap, get some of the liquid in your mouth (unpleasant, but it won't kill you as long as you don't drink the whole bottle), or damage your teeth. Run some warm water over the cap if it sticks, or use one of those rubber-grippy kind of bottle opener thingies. This isn't usually a big issue, though: the caps come off just fine most of the time.

I use the freezer for LONG TERM storage, though also like Matt, I have sometimes put a few bottles in the fridge or freezer that are new and I am using currently.

It is my opinion that the bottles kept in the freezer for a long time tend to become thicker and stickier after a while. Some brands go thick in a week or two in the freezer. Others take much longer. When they get thick and sticky, they can cling to the delicate tissue around your nose, producing unpleasant chemical burns. This is just my experience: others may have had better luck and disagree with me.

Bottles left out at room temperature tend to do just fine, and I've had especially good luck with Jungle Juice. It seems to last a REALLY long time, though potency is definitely diminished after three or four weeks.

Once I find that a bottle has become stale, I collect the various remaining dregs in whatever few bottles I have left sitting out that are flat, pour them all into one bottle, then freeze add it to my stored collection in the freezer.

What happens is that the more you use a single bottle, the more it becomes exposed to air. Capping it tightly is the wise thing to do, but no matter what, each time you use it, you expose it to air, it evaporates some (obviously), and eventually it starts to go flat. So no matter what, more than anything else, it is simply USING your bottle that will make it get weak.

Also my own opinion -- after about three weeks, I use a fresh bottle, or when a bottle starts to get below the halfway mark to empty. Jungle Juice never gives me headaches unless it starts to get very old like this. I just get new ones and always make sure what I have on hand is fresh and potent.

Yet the frozen bottles I have still pack some punch. Understand that some of the frozen ones are relatively new, while others are approaching their eighteenth birthday and are now expecting me to buy them a car so they can go to prom. Yes, I have some REALLY old poppers. I think I keep them more as souvenirs of "the good old days" than for any other reason: I don't really use them, but I've checked them out and found that they still technically DO work, but new bottles are much better, by far.

I also mark my bottles. If I buy four new bottles, I'll open two (one for me, one for a guest), then scratch a code into the cap. For example, I'll put a few lines down the cap which tells me this is the newest bottle, just in case they get tossed around and mixed up during a really long encounter and some dude is reaching for various bottles in the general area. Also, I can easily feel these marks in the dark. Clever, huh? I used to just write on them with a Sharpie, but I found that this rubs off when hands get sweaty, full of lube or covered in cum, so... Anyway, once the newly marked bottles expire, I'll open the others, use different marks, then save the old ones in the freezer.

I guess I take it kind of seriously. But hey, they aren't exactly cheap!

The summary, then: new bottles will be fine at room temperature. Freezing will not necessarily extend their useful life, but it also won't hurt, either. Jungle Juice generally does NOT get very thick in the freezer, at least not in the first few weeks. Either choice is fine. Long term storage -- I'd recommend freezing them.

Sorry you asked, huh?
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