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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Border town action.....again
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Old 1st September 2004, 07:59 PM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 24
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Talking Love the brown skin...

It's been a while since I posted to this thread...but it keeps going on and on.

Everyone has their own methods, and things they are comfortable with, so a single suggestion may not work for all. I spent hours on and had dates set up in Mexico City and Cuernavaca. The guy in Mexico City was very nice and very nice to me...but there wasn't a connection. I think he was disappointed, but what can I do?

In Cuernavaca, I was the one who was disappointed. He just didn't show up at all!

But let me tell you I wasn't disappointed for long! I found dates just sitting on a bench in the zocalo. I have been told I'm easy on the eyes, but I'm also no stud...but it didn't matter. As I sat there reading my spanish/english dictionary, I noticed a guy keeping an eye on me...and I in turn, kept an eye on him. Long story short, we had a very good time together over the next few weeks during my stay.

I had plenty of sex with him and other guys in Cuernavaca, so I wasn't worried about finding anyone new back in Mexico City on my way out of the country. But I spent my last day doing some shopping and siteseeing. At the end of the day I took everything back to my room and packed it away so I would be ready in the morning. But it was still early...about 5 I walked out of my hotel in the Zona Rosa...walked across the street and before I had spent 2 minutes window shopping, I felt a pair of eyes that seemed to be aimlessly window shopping near me.

Again, long story short, he spent the night with me, and believe me I had no problem sleeping on the plane the next day.

I would not have believed it a few years ago, but I now believe that just keeping your eyes open, acknowledging a glance, smiling back, making it obvious that you are interested with nothing more than body language or a quick touch to your crotch while you look at him.

You don't have to be overt or super suave. Just be friendly and willing to engage someone. Even stumbling over mangled spanish can turn into a romantic encounter if you don't shy away from the opportunity.

I am planning on continuing my exploits in Mexico. I spend a lot of time in Baja and encourage anyone who wants to contact me to please feel free. Email rather than the CFS private mail works better for me. I love to share information about my area of Baja.

I also want to explore Costa Rica...I hear it's great and would love to hear from you about that as well. I have posted a message in the Central America section of CFS.

Thanks to all for your posts!

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New to San Diego. Check my profile for homepage or ask about Rosarito Beach, Baja CA , MEXICO.
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