1st December 2004, 05:18 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 2
What's not to like about CFS?
I first "discovered" CFS via one of the conventional search engines which uses a language processor and allows you to babble your research queries in plain old, ordinary, garden-variety, verbose English. (e.g.,
Where can I go cruising for sex here in St. Louis?
Naturally, when I got home from St. Louis I checked the listings for my own hometown to verify the integrity of CFS' information. It was accurate AND THEN SOME! I actually learned about a new dick hotspot across town that you can't keep me away from, since!!
Shortly, I had bookmarked CFS on my home computer's desktop, my laptop and (cryptically) on the PC at the office. It is an indispensable resource to someone who craves dick and can be on the road a lot. It's also a great calling card --slash-- fishing net for collaring tourist trade when I'm in town.
But, despite all the kudos CFS richly deserves and the ever-increasing esteem I have for it, I've never really thought of CFS as the quintessential crossroads of political locution. (Of course, I've also never scrolled far enough down the Forums Menu Listing to realize that venues actually existed wherein politics and personal opinions were exchanged here as well.) And the reason is obvious:
Just as one wouldn't expect (or be able to stomach) a copy of George W. Bush's last radio address reposing amongst the other 4x6 cards on the Martha Stewart's Favorite Chocolate Cake Recipes dot-com website, so should resources for getting laid --NOW! and gay politics have a few degrees of separation between them.
Having said that, I will admit to having browsed --and contributed to-- several of the
[website ambition] forums and to having been impressed by the intelligence, candor and quality inherent to some of the postings I've seen there.... like roses growing in garbage pails.
Hey, guys, even grandma warned us against mixing religion, politics and sex. (Grandma Bush apparently didn't. If she had, Dub-yah would've been shovelling a different brand of cow manuer onto the campaign trail...) <---see how easy it is to get side-tracked! I came here to find a cock or two to suck on before blasting my own load down the throat of some thirsty California cumslut and look what happened!
if anyone's taking a vote... Cruising for Sex and Talking Politics should be constitutiionally banned from coexistence! The moral superiority of the male hardon [over the male opinion] should become a point of federal law. Discussing politics is a known erosion to the essence, the motivation (and certainly the continuation) of a good erection.
SAFE SEX, the next best thing to being there.