When you purchase a cam check that the lens can be turned to focus it.
A "fixed" focus lens is really no good.
Even most of the $20 cams have this variable focussing now.
However because the pic appears delayed, runs slow and "jogs" when on line it is IMPOSSIBLE to focus it when you are connected.
Just run the cam pic software without being on line.
This is usually "make a short movie" part of the software.
The pic should now be "continuous".
Use a pentel to make an alignment marker on the lens holder (the bit you turn to focus).
Now adjust the lens for that nice "closeup" definition, and mark ".5m" or whatever on the cam body next to the marker.
Move to your intermediate distance and focus the pic and mark the cam body "1m" or whatever, and then to a glorious distant/whole of your body shot and mark again.
Now you will be able to reset the focus when you are on line, moving around, all hot and sweaty, and with the pic appearing delayed.