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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Ever read the ads?
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Old 5th January 2005, 11:26 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 400
Talking No Harm Done...

We have all agreed that there are a lot of ads out there that happen to be well, funny, ridiculous, false, unrealistic, whatever.

BMG pointed out that he did not find it all funny and that he saw the homosexual identity to be a matter of some seriousness to him. He also brought up his arguments.

Some posters agreed with him on some of his issues and disagreed with him on the others bringing up their arguments. BMG responded and gave us all an excellent legal point. We have expressed our views and possibly learned something from the debate presented.

Yeah, we might have strayed a bit from the original topic but we have also gained a bit, too.

I guess, no one here really wants to 'walk around with the weight of the world on his shoulders' but if someone wants to share his views on slightly more substantial issues, let him do so. No one is stopping the other guys from stating more shallow examples of bad ad writing either...

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