I hate being the bearer of bad news, but what happened would put you into a high risk category. You didn't say when this happened, and that's really important.
If it was within the past 48 hours, you would be a prime candidate for post exposure prophyllaxis, which usually consists of 2 anti HIV drugs taken for 30 days. Past 48 hours, antiviral treatment probably won't abort an infection.
Saliva does confer some protection against the virus, and routine kissing is not considered high risk. In your case, infectious fluids did get exchanged, and you did have an open wound which would allow entry, so all bets are off.
The LIKELYHOOD of your getting infected from this encounter is slim. But it is very possible, and you need to speak to a doctor or clinic that deals with HIV ASAP. This is not a "we can see you in 3 weeks" situation. I know it's scary as shit, but please, don't waste time.
Dr Danny