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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Help
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Old 2nd April 2005, 11:23 AM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 400

What the FUCK is this shit all about, anyway?

It's hard to follow the convoluted post above from Badgerboi, but I think he's saying the he privately emailed someone so that they could mock me together. I think... During which time, there was speculation that I am actually Dr. Danny.

Holy fuck.

You'd have to have a very, very limited observational skills and a questionable IQ to suspect any such thing. There is nothing even remotely similar between MY style of writing and Dr. Danny's.

And for the record, leave him OUT of any personal issues you have with me. The man is nice enough to take time from his practice and respond to important medical issues which affect the gay community. There aren't a whole lot of docs out there who would do that.

Damn shame some folks out there get uptight because I get WAY, WAY more sex than they do.

Tough shit.

Maybe if you'd spent some time and actually READ a few of the nearly thousand posts I've written here, YOU, too would be getting the sex you want more often.

Logic would seem to indicate that people who cruise often and enjoy discussing it would come to this website for conversation.

Not everyone online is a fraud and a flake.

Don't like me? Do what everyone else who doesn't like me does: use the IGNORE feature so you never have to see anything I type ever again.

Publicly yammering on with ridiculous conspiracy theories won't get you anywhere. And the vast majority of folks online won't pay much attention to you for long once they realize how very foolish this topic happens to be.

Someone once thought I was actually BMG posting under two names, too. I must say... it would actually be flattering to be confused with BMG and Dr. Danny if only someone with an actual BRAIN had thought as much. But when an idiot says it... well... It's best just to laugh and shrug it off.

There's lots of folks here who have emailed me and traded photos and know better than to believe any of this garbage. Any mods here who can access the logged ISP addresses of each member can attest to the fact that I am only me and no one else.

I won't apologize because I get my dick sucked ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I won't apologize for having a HOT COCK, either. I won't apologize for having a BRAIN, for enjoying online posting, or for anything else about me that some unknown jackoff little priss doesn't happen to like.

So Badgerboi is suggesting that I wrote the post above (God help me if I EVER write as poorly as THAT). Badgerboi is also emailing OTHER members of CFS and having conversations about me with them. He ALSO emailed Dr. Danny and pestered him with the same nonsense.

I can't help but wonder WHY Dr. Danny didn't respond to this sort of email invasion of stupidity. Why the hell SHOULD he? If I got an insipid email like that, I'd ignore it, too! Good for him. He's wise not to get involved with ridiculous shit such as this.

Sounds to me like Badgerboi is probably a young, confused kid with a whole lot of time on his hands which he can use to speculate about online message board soap opera characters. He's one of those community troublemakers -- every message board has visits from these guys from time to time.

If this kid REALLY sits around emailing other members of CFS about me -- WOW. That's really terribly sad, don't you guys think?

I guess I really get under his skin. It probably bugs the hell out of him that a cubby guy who is pushing forty years old has so much confidence, class, style, intellect -- and gets lots and lots and lots of sex.

Awww... I know. I'm so arrogant. I just can't be "real." It's too "convenient."

Kid, I've been cruising since I was FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. Why the FUCK else do you think I like CFS so much?

Anyway, gentlemen of the community -- this is, I suspect, what's REALLY going on here:

We've got this Badgerboi dude doing whatever it is he is doing. He's been in contact with other CFS members/posters. Either he or one of them is disgruntled and posted the above bullshit.

Now, since I've been on sabbatical for a few months and staying in NY with family, I've definitely been doing a lot of online posting and writing.

What the fuck ELSE is there to do all WINTER IN NEW YORK? Well, besides get my dick sucked and hang out with friends, that is.

I was busy for about a WEEK and didn't post anything. At that time, I guess Dr. Danny happened to not post anything as well. OH, MY! Conspiracy! We MUST therefore be one and the same!

What happened during that week that kept me off the boards?


Motherfucker. I didn't want to bring this up here. It has nothing to do with cruising. I mentioned when my cat died last year and everyone was very sweet about that. The passing of my dog hit me VERY hard and I didn't want to even accept the kind words that others would offer because I knew I'd just start thinking about it even more. Now that some time has passed, I am starting to feel more like myself again.

Lots of guys here know from reading my posts for years that my dog was sick for a long time. Ultimately, her heart couldn't last any longer and she passed on. I didn't feel like fucking posting crap to a message board at the time. Is that OK with you, Badgerboi?

And whatever Dr. Danny was doing is HIS business.

I posted some stuff on health-related boards for a few weeks, too. I just found these boards and thought they were pretty helpful and interesting, so I jumped in. But these boards are HEAVILY moderated and the rules and regulations are a bit extreme. I used a SIMILAR name to the one I use here, but not identical.

My heavy-handed writing style and the fact that I don't just coddle to people seeking sympathy doesn't seem to go over well on these boards. What I SUSPECT happened is that the same dude who posted THIS shit noticed me over at these OTHER boards and fired off an email to a moderator, complaining about -- whatever. I have no idea. These are the type of boards that "ban" users for a week or so at a time as "punishment" to "teach them a lesson" about "being nice" and politically correct.

So not long after THIS post appeared on CFS -- I was banned from the OTHER boards.


Not likely.

But it's just as well. It was mostly a vast sea of hypochondriacs and teenage girls who asked for advice but refused to listen to anything which suggests they might actually wish to work on improving their own behavior.

Doesn't really matter much. Seems like EVERYONE gets banned from there sooner or later. It's impossible to surf a thread without seeing a post edited or deleted by a mod, and members with hundreds and thousands of posts to their name get banned every now and then. It's basically moderators gone wild with imagined power. Not my kind of scene.

Now, I also post satirical items for another website. These are weekly essays of a sort. I rarely post discussion board commentary. I'm like a contributing writer. They sort of asked me if I would be interested in doing this. I thought it would be fun, so I agreed.

It's quite possible that someone took notice of me over there, too.

To the uneducated it might be difficult to understand how someone could post HERE, THERE, and write weekly satires for another site.

Well... it ain't easy. CFS has lost some of my attention because I've been doing comedy writing instead. The medical boards... eh. They were a temporary dalliance during a long, cold, boring winter.

For those who can't read or write very well, it can be challenging to understand how it is possible for other folks to compose lengthy discussions or write a satire. That's understandable. I remember when I was in kindergarten and I saw some of the "big books" that the older kids had to read. I couldn't imagine how they ever managed to get through all those pages. I also couldn't imagine that someday I would have to READ all those pages, too.

So I suppose we can understand how daunting it is to someone of lowered intellect to be confronted with well-written online items of interest. It's also shattering to weak-minded individuals with low self-esteem when they see other folks react positively to someone who has established a name for himself within a community.

But probably it's more the fact that I get my dick sucked almost any time I want. That's GOT to make dudes like Badgerboi really jealous, don't you think?

I'm a nice guy... I'm intelligent... I like myself... I am happy... I am sexually satisfied... I'm not too bad looking... I am friendly... I am well-rounded. And most of all, I'm not afraid to admit it.

Loving yourself is OK as long as you are able to use your own self-respect to teach yourself how to love OTHER people and do kind things for them, too.

Love thy neighbor, right?

I do my best.

Don't like that? Fuck off and shut up.

The last few times I've encountered this kind of stupid shit online here at CFS, I've just ignored it -- it hasn't been worth my time or attention.

But not this time around. This time I'm saying something about it.


I've had ENOUGH.

Don't fuck with me.

And DO NOT bring Dr. Danny into this. He's a GREAT DUDE and has NOTHING to do with anyone's distaste for ME personally. Don't piss him off -- we're lucky to have him here!

Sorry about this stupid shit, guys. I'd really rather be telling you stories about hot dudes in bookstores. But I haven't had much to say here lately and have been feeling admittedly very lonely without my dog. I was "due" for a LONG post.

And I'm entitled to a rant every now and then, I think. But just now and then...

It's bothersome to devote two years to an online community, trying to help out when I can -- and then to see this kind of stupid shit surfacing all over again. Early on, it was to be expected. I had thought this kind of crap was DONE by now. Guess not.

Badgerboi, you're in WAY over your head here.

You haven't got a fucking CLUE.

Now it's up to YOU to use the IGNORE feature to shut me up.

Take your conspiracy theories and childish online catfights to another message board system.

I'll wager big money that 95% of the veteran posters here agree with me on this: we aren't interested in this kind of bullshit.

We'd rather talk about DICK!