You are free to like or dislike or even ignore SC or anyone else for that matter.
You are free to read his posts and equally so, you can just scroll down. No one really cares. Do you?
Badgerdude, do yourself a favor and read your own post. I hate to say so, your posting sounds so pathetic... pvting other board members to see, if they are really SC or not? Tells lots about the kind of life you live. Sad, very sad. You deserve our unqualified pity. Think it over and get a life.
The boards are about the issues and not about the people who contribute. I mostly tend to agree with SC and so does he with my postings. Every now and then, we strongly disagree. We disagree on issues and solutions, even attitudes but that's what the boards are all about. Attacking people personally and accusing them of doing something that you cannot prove in the first place is simply dumb. You know that.
So, you do not like SC and his lifestyle. Fine. Show us that he is wrong and that his postings are worthless. Post the right stuff and you'll star here. There is nuf place for everybody.
One more thing. Do not judge the others and their respective lifestyles using your own experience only. Not everyone here works Mon.-Fri. 9-5. Lots of guys work part time only. Some only work certain months, albeit in a very intensive fashion and have a few months off to do pretty much as they please. Face the reality that quite a few people do not have to work at all and have got lots of time and energy at their hands to pursue other interests. You might not be that lucky but some other guys are. Live with it, K?