The absolute LAST thing I am is religious. There is more to conservatism than religion

Nor am I a bubba, nor a high school dropout.
There you liberals go again, stereotyping. Liberals today are probably the most narrow-minded, hateful, corrupt, and just plain STUPID group of people you are ever going to find.
Speaking of 9th grade, the least you could do is spell their names right. It's Cheney, and Karl. Hmm, "Karl", there's a name you should already be familiar with, as a card carrying commie.
Originally posted by studN2blow
The people on his page are the RELIGIOUS IDIOTS and the bubba types who quit school in the 9th grade. His approval rating was around 45% when I last saw it. Everyone knows that Chaney and Carl Rove are running this country. Bush is just their puppet man.
He fucked up Texas when he was governor and now he's fucking the USA and the rest of the world. If I were him I would be unable to sleep at night.........knowing the 1400+ soldiers killed in Iraq.......were all because of his LIE.