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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - ATLANTA is DEAD.....moving into DARK ages
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Old 22nd July 2005, 08:11 AM
Join Date: Jun 1999
Posts: 99
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Lets face the facts guys. Both of the main political parties are to the extremes. Its what is in it for them! I will have to give Bush the credit for placing more minorites in cabnet/leadership positions than the dems did during Clinton. It just pissed me off to see the dems try to destroy C. Rice in her conformation hearings. Here is a beautiful, brilliant, competent black woman being nominated for an important cabinet post and they are not for her?? I thought the Dems were the champions of advancement of minorities. I really think that they feel she should "stay in her place" instead of being an example of what they have NOT DONE for the black community!

Who ever said GWB is stupid is stupid too! Kerry is stupid too! and what about that rich bitch that JK is marred to...isnt she a fool! I loved the press on the release of their college grades. Kerry's folks starting the mess about GWB being stupid when their candidate had the worst grades in college. Of course Bush's grades were not deans list either! I say part of the problem there is Bush is SOUTHERN (even though TEXAS isnt really the south) and Kerry is from NEw England. There is always that bias. All of us sotherners are transplants dont get that greef if you dont have a southern accent.

Even though the dems give lip service to gay rights etc, that is only a voting ploy to win votes. They really dont give a shit and feel the same way about us as the right wingers.

Dont loose any sleep boys but things havent changed much and are not going to change rapidly. All will eventually work out but we might be dead and long gone!
40 something, 6' 175 brn/brn hairy looking for other married wm or younger guys to play.