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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - ATLANTA is DEAD.....moving into DARK ages
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Old 22nd July 2005, 12:15 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 11

thanks for the feedback.

i do keep up with the politics and understand how much biased is involved in opinion.

your points are good ones...but again, these are incorrect facts.
we are in debt BECAUSE of the current administration.

911 happened on bush's watch, because of his position on world defense and he has been CAUGHT red handed lying about WMD.

the debate 101 tactics rep. use of a generally poo pooing anyone with an opposing opinion are thankfully loosing effectiveness...obrien, faldwell, limbaugh...are good examples.

face it boys, bush is in office, he's takin the shit for his actions.
i think he can handle it. what you need to do is stop TELLING us what we are supposed to believe just accept that your OPINION is only that....a holier than thou position just turns most regular joes off...

anyway, i can see where this is going so...good luck..have a good weekend