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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - ATLANTA is DEAD.....moving into DARK ages
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Old 24th July 2005, 07:56 PM
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 84

How did we get here? Simple. Atlanta IS dead! Slaughtered by self rightgeous, bible thumping, I feel your pain LIBBERALS of it democratic persuasion! It may be politically incorrect to EVER acuse anyone of color of having an evil thought, but goddamit, those fucken faggot, hammersexuhls have wrecked this citty. Well, to be fair, us faggots screwin in the bushes of Piedmont Park or elsewhere do tend to scare the women, small dogs, and children. But the reality is, the dem/libs have set themselves up as the icon of self righteousness, and in reality, they are as ugly as the ugliest of the anti black, anti Jew, anti northerner, anti gay, bible thumpen baptists out there. Its just that most of us faggots cannot see through the smoke screen. Takes too much time, effort, and thinking to do so, so let CBS do the thinking for us

So, Shirley clamps down on the Belvedere theater, and trashes that nice Phillapina (sp?) owner, and the Emory/Twink crowd screams Bush lied on this BB. Even if there was a modicum of truth in the statement, that foaming at the mouth twink is still gonna get his head busted by some black cop who voted for Kerry, for jacken off with another guy in a semi public place.

So: Reality check. Bush didn't lie, and you are one hell of a lot safer living here in these evil US of A than in Europe. And the people you have been voting for, those ass holes who "feel your pain" ain't gonna come to your aid if a cop busts into your bedroom while your sucking Bruce's cock. They are the same garbage as the Cobb Co. bible thumping Baptists (Methodists ain't much better, but they can read). Wake up boys. It's a nasty world out there. Fuck a guy in the ass without a rubber, you're AIDS meat, and it isn't W or Cheny's fault, it's your own. Dump some sperm on the floor at the porno flix, you get your picture on the sex offender web page, thank you Shirley and Campbell. Nuff said, I need to beat off.

THAT is how we got here.

Dr Danny