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Old 29th July 2005, 06:19 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 11

Originally posted by GASlick
2) If you have any sense about yourself, you are going to support those that take a strong hawkish stance against the islamic terrorism. Talk(diplomacy), counseling, appeasment does no good with these people. The left talks too much bullshit when they need to just get over it and blow these mf's away before they kill us! The Democrats laid back attitude and non support of a strong military is what got us here. The people that hang with their attitude all whine about Afganastan and Iraq...well hell, it drew all the islamic nuts to those areas to fight and have left us alone on our soil!
Gee, you sound just like Karl Rove. Liberals wanna give terrorist therapy and conservatives want to blow 'em off the map. Problem with your hallucination is that the Dems almost unanimously supported the Afghanistan invasion and the Iraq one too -- the one that turned out to be launched for completely bogus reasons. You really should try adhering to fact, instead of fantasy.

The "flypaper argument" you make died last week, anyway. Two of our allies -- Spain and Great Britain -- have both been attacked by al qaeda. Obviously, fighting in Iraq doesn't keep the terrorists from extending their fight to other countries.

The State Dept's own survey revealed that terrorist attacks since 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq have doubled around the world. Of course, they immediately tried to block publication of the survey.