Dear BKK sauna lovers ,
This is NOT a naked zone with naked hours .
39 UNDERGROUND sauna has this concept Every Tuesday from 3PM ( when they open ) to 1AM ( till they shut )
They also have naked night on Mon & Wed , but only on 3rd and 4th floor roof top are naked zone , and starts at 8PM .
And it's not busy and not very active .
But last night ( Tue ) , customers started comming already before 4PM , they were very eager to show their VALUABLE between their legs ( Thai guys usually cover their dick with their hands in a naked zone ) and their raw sexual lust .
They are ready to show what they have and what they do .
Especially on the roof top look out , there were countless mass jerk off ( about 20 guys at a time !

I experienced big big orgy with about 30 naked guys ( including a plenty of early 20's sexy handsome guys ) separately after that . Sucking , fucking and you just name it .
On Tueday , they come to this place for orgy , showing off , peeping , peeking and etc .
On Tueday naked day , the clientele and actions you can expect there are totally different from Mon & Wed naked nights .
Of course , you find some middle age overweight Thai guys there ( about 25% ? ) as well , but the majority here is young sexy good looking Thai guys .
Last night I found only one farang customer there .
Probably he was the oldest customer for that day , I guess .
Rememmber it's been raining since last evening in BKK ,
and they had so many customers last night .