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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   The BEST Naked day EVER ! --- 39 UNDERGROUND

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Old 13th September 2005, 10:18 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Thumbs up The BEST Naked day EVER ! --- 39 UNDERGROUND

Dear BKK sauna lovers ,

This is NOT a naked zone with naked hours .

39 UNDERGROUND sauna has this concept Every Tuesday from 3PM ( when they open ) to 1AM ( till they shut )

They also have naked night on Mon & Wed , but only on 3rd and 4th floor roof top are naked zone , and starts at 8PM .
And it's not busy and not very active .

But last night ( Tue ) , customers started comming already before 4PM , they were very eager to show their VALUABLE between their legs ( Thai guys usually cover their dick with their hands in a naked zone ) and their raw sexual lust .

They are ready to show what they have and what they do .
Especially on the roof top look out , there were countless mass jerk off ( about 20 guys at a time ! )
I experienced big big orgy with about 30 naked guys ( including a plenty of early 20's sexy handsome guys ) separately after that . Sucking , fucking and you just name it .

On Tueday , they come to this place for orgy , showing off , peeping , peeking and etc .

On Tueday naked day , the clientele and actions you can expect there are totally different from Mon & Wed naked nights .

Of course , you find some middle age overweight Thai guys there ( about 25% ? ) as well , but the majority here is young sexy good looking Thai guys .

Last night I found only one farang customer there .
Probably he was the oldest customer for that day , I guess .

Rememmber it's been raining since last evening in BKK ,
and they had so many customers last night .
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Old 13th September 2005, 11:31 PM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 196

Thanks Ninja. Your descriptions and advice are always great.
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Old 22nd September 2005, 11:16 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 4

I love orgy and i will go there, Thanks
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Old 23rd September 2005, 01:35 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

Wat time does 39 close on sat & sun nights? I'm arriving from uk & will be wide awake at 3 am & loking for fun!
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Old 23rd September 2005, 11:09 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

They shut the door at 1AM everyday , I understand .
And Sat & Sun are not naked nights .
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Old 29th September 2005, 04:04 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

Last night , they had naked hours .

It was very hot !

Just after 4pm , some horny young guys started coming , but
it was not busy till around 7:30PM .

Around 5PM , a very old farang customer came in .
He was the only one farang customer for that day .
YES ! He was the oldest for that day . At least 20yo older than the second eldest customer for that day .
He was just hinding in the darkest spots in the whole house .
And grabbed anything he could within his reach .
He was like a spider .
I refused his sticky hands so many times .

After he left , the real actions ( and so many ) started .

This time , I couldn't see many actions on the lookout .
I saw about 6 young guys enjoyed mas masterbation there .
But beside this , I found no one there .

I think because now they have 2 small sections in the private cabin area on the 3rd floor .
Those 2 small sections are separated black thin curtains .

There were so many hot group actions there .
And many many young good looking guys participated in .
And I couldn't believe myself how easy I got some gorgeous guys there .

Now we don't need to post to MIRAGE or 69 club to ask for group sex partners or sex party .
This is the place for group actions .

I can't believe many guys come here to show their sex act ( in a cabin ) .
They don't lock the connecting door or don't hide the small peep window with facial tissues .

But unlikely , Tuesday's naked day , you wouldn't see many customers after 11pm .
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Old 29th September 2005, 11:20 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1

Now we don't need to post to MIRAGE or 69 club to ask for group sex partners or sex party .

Hey, can anyone tell me more about MIRAGE or 69 club?
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Old 30th September 2005, 02:50 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Can U read Thai ?

Dear gwmorgylover ,

So , You will fly to BKK next Tuesday ?

By the way , those 2 websites are in Thai .
Do you read Thai ?
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