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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - good boys
Thread: good boys
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Old 1st October 2005, 09:29 AM
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Muscled Grandaddy
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Thanks for the tip, MSK

I appreciate your kindness. I shall certainly march in and plonk my old derriere down and wait for the good times to start when I get to BKK! Small, drab or dark has never stopped me first off in Phuket was from Superboys and that was the old building, while my first one in Thailand ever was at the old Jack's Pub in Hatyai, and both were far from well-lit or lavishly decorated...while my first off in BKK was from Tawan, if I remember right (don't have my cruising diary on me at the goes back all the way to 1995).

Anyway, I think I'll stick to small, drab bars from now on. The boys are more grateful for the attention and after my experiences at some of the bigger and better lit ones, I can honsetsly say that if it weren't for the small bars, i wouldn't bother coming back to BKK.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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