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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   good boys

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Old 29th September 2005, 02:59 AM
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The cruising Ninja is talking about is, I think, not IN the pool or locker rooms, but in the vicinity of the pool at night, after it closes. Right, Ninja?

PS: yes, it is a public pool and yes the water is clean. I don't know about the entry requirements, though.
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Old 29th September 2005, 05:15 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Question Where is my post ???

Dear Icon ,

Where is my post ?
Just b4 Mr. Yanawa's post .

That was the post of lengthy correction for how I described DREAM BOYS upon Wowpow's request of amendment .

About the swimming pool ,
just cruise behind the pool , Between the pool and the canal along Rama 4 Road .
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Old 30th September 2005, 04:10 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Believe it ot Not

I visited DREAM BOYS last night with my special pal .

There were so many guys in BIG COCK SHOW .
About 20 guys .
And some of them have real huge dick ( and very thick )
I think the largest one is almost 30CM and looks like an arm .
The owner of this giant cock is a Chinese looking boy with fair skin .
I don't remember his number .

One of my faviorite guys is number 110 ( I am not sure his numebr ) He is very muscline look with dark skin .
He is in BIG COCK SHOW and the shower show ( he is in the middle ) and he has about 23CM dick . So sexy .

Their fuck show has been the same old rutine . 2X2 .
The bottoms are femminin side .

I saw a bunch of retiry farangs taking the front seat .
Is this any of you ?

Can I get any incentives or free OFF boys from BBB group ?
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Old 30th September 2005, 12:00 PM
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Talk about the email from Dreamboy's JD

I got the same email and replied to it. So is it true what's been going around about the humongous fees charged at Dreamboy nowadays?

I still plan to make my first visits to GC and its companion bars when I get back from my latest writing assignment. I didn't manage to get a break from the previous one before having to bunk off on another one and the internal pressure is killing me!

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 30th September 2005, 09:35 PM
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I think Lumphini Pool was used for Mr Sexy comp. at Bkk gay day last year..Pix from Dragoncastle's gay Asia feature some Telephone Bar personalities.

Dip in, it's refreshing:
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Old 1st October 2005, 05:58 AM
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Wow....great bodies

These guys really got great bodies to die for!!
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Old 1st October 2005, 09:18 AM
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I still plan to make my first visits to GC and its companion bars

Taoboxer, hope you enjoy your visit to GC and surrounding bars.
Just as an introduction to these bars, don't be suprised if you are the only customer, go in and sit down, you won't be on your own for long. I go to this area fairly regularly, I see many customers come in, stand at the door and leave. It may not be everyones liking, they are mostly small dark and drab bars compared to Soi Twilight, but some good times can be at there, you will be made most welcome and you won't be paying 200 baht a drink.
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Old 1st October 2005, 09:29 AM
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Thanks for the tip, MSK

I appreciate your kindness. I shall certainly march in and plonk my old derriere down and wait for the good times to start when I get to BKK! Small, drab or dark has never stopped me first off in Phuket was from Superboys and that was the old building, while my first one in Thailand ever was at the old Jack's Pub in Hatyai, and both were far from well-lit or lavishly decorated...while my first off in BKK was from Tawan, if I remember right (don't have my cruising diary on me at the goes back all the way to 1995).

Anyway, I think I'll stick to small, drab bars from now on. The boys are more grateful for the attention and after my experiences at some of the bigger and better lit ones, I can honsetsly say that if it weren't for the small bars, i wouldn't bother coming back to BKK.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 1st October 2005, 09:43 AM
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What doesn't sound right?

Thanks for the map. All I'll say is that I always presumed the initials GC have become a byword here on this board...but you're right, Wowers...I was talking about Golden Cock. And you can add Alex and SlypperX and all the other small, drab bars to the list, too. I won't be visiting certain ones which I can't mention without getting my post deleted by the moderators.

Just in passing, I want to mention that I am so horny at the moment, I'll probably want to take in Phuket as well when I next come to LOS...heheh...I love the sea and swimming and being thisclosetonaked all day! Maybe if I cn find a nice boy from one of these famous little randy rendezvous ranges, I'll take him along with me. My last trip to Phuket was disappointing...besides, if I took a boy from BKK with me, he might show his appreciation with lots of extras, who knows?

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 2nd October 2005, 10:30 AM
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OK guys, what about any recommendations for off boys? Surely someone must have a good recomendation????
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Old 2nd October 2005, 06:11 PM
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last year when I was in Bangkok, I became friends with a gogo boy from "Boys Bangkok"

I think he was taken with me or just thought I was good tip material... But anyway..... He was more than happy to tell me who the best numbers were at each bar.

He told me the dancers that had the biggest cock and the ones are give the best fuck.

Most times he said to get there early and off them because they are in high demand.

I am not a size queen so I only listened and smiled.

So.... I would suggest you find a gogo boy that has been around the block a few times and is willing to share some info
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