How much to tip in natureboy?
i have been to natureboys and golden cocks a few times. I would like to know, how much do you tip the boys, if you do not off them?
Lets say in natureboys. The boy sits next to you, you wank each other, you suck him off. How much do you tip him? I once tipped 500 baht and i somehow felt like an idiot, tipping so much ( the boy showed his 500 baht note around, just as it would be something unexpected for him.
So what do you say guys? How much? 300 baht? ( plus free drinks of course ) .
Pls give me an idea, don`t wanna tip to much next stay in january, on the othe rhand side, i don`t wanna "hurt" the boys
Have fun cruising in Bangkok,
best wishes