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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Golden Cock and Nature Boys bar..

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Old 28th October 2005, 09:28 AM
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Golden Cock and Nature Boys bar..

Can anyone give me an update on those 2 bars? R they still as friendly and sleazy or more as before? How about ScrewBoys in Patpong?
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Old 28th October 2005, 12:55 PM
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Nature Boys still sleazy

A um... friend of mine went to Nature Boys last September after midnight. One other customer was there. Three boys in shorts sat down to talk. After a bit, one of them pulled out his cock and started playing with it and put my hand on his cock to help. The other two boys soon pulled down their shorts and I had three hard cocks to play with. One of the boys took out my cock and started sucking me. Eventually I sucked all three, the youngest one to completion, and got a nice handjob with help from all three. The youngest one had a slim cock and a very young looking body. I gave tips to all three and staggered down the alley
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Old 28th October 2005, 06:37 PM
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thank u

thank u sawadee, that is the kind of answer i was truly hoping for.
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Old 29th October 2005, 02:15 AM
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Talking Nature Boy

Never mind last September, a um... friend of mine had an almost identical experience on Wednesday night this week... and quite early in the evening.

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Old 29th October 2005, 05:03 PM
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Question How much to tip in natureboy?

i have been to natureboys and golden cocks a few times. I would like to know, how much do you tip the boys, if you do not off them?
Lets say in natureboys. The boy sits next to you, you wank each other, you suck him off. How much do you tip him? I once tipped 500 baht and i somehow felt like an idiot, tipping so much ( the boy showed his 500 baht note around, just as it would be something unexpected for him.
So what do you say guys? How much? 300 baht? ( plus free drinks of course ) .
Pls give me an idea, don`t wanna tip to much next stay in january, on the othe rhand side, i don`t wanna "hurt" the boys

Have fun cruising in Bangkok,
best wishes
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Old 29th October 2005, 08:52 PM
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500 baht may seem a little on the high side but hey where else can you get this type of action for that little cost. If you enjoyed it and you left happy so what. The boys need to make a living as well and they will remember you I am sure. If the difference between 300 baht and 500 baht (200 baht = 5.00 US$) makes that much of a difference in your budget then maybe you should wait and save a little more before returning.
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Old 30th October 2005, 01:04 AM
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But if U R a resident

200 Bhats makes difference , since the most of us don't get salary in US $ .
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Old 30th October 2005, 04:12 PM
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GC and N Boys

I'm another enthusiast for these places. Love the 'hands on', 'hands in' approach, no messing about sitting up at a counter, trying to look civilised, making conversation that is always going to be the same! The boys are down-to-earth, know what to do, and if this is sleaze give me the lot!

However, I do find one problem - they tend to react so quickly, descending on you in seconds, that you really don't have much choice in who you get. And there seems to be an understanding between them that if 3 of them did you last night, well that makes you 'theirs', and the other boys keep off - well, mostly, but there are exceptions who wheedle their way into the group in the hope of a few baht. It's all a bit tough on a butterfly like me who can always see something else in the background that he fancies as well. If they 'know' you they greet you with big smiles, calls and even cuddles before you have put your foot across the doorway, and unless you tell them to piss off straightway (which I find very difficult to do) they latch on and entwine you in a way that allows no escape. Not easy to tell a smiling, willing, good-looking lad, who you know is going to provide value for money and will be delightfully cheerful about everything, that tonight is not his night! And even if you do, he's likely to call 4 others over that you fancy and, because he doesn't leave himself, you end up with tips for seven. I know it's all part of the racket and, actually, I'm prepared to accept that the rules don't apply in these places - which is a great part of the fun. But there is a problem, I think. Be grateful to know how others deal with it.
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Old 5th November 2005, 07:30 AM
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On Tuesday Nature Boy service as usual - tatooed long haired guy there but actually only about 4 or 5 boys when I arrived.

Golden Cock - walked in - walked half way up to the bar - they were all at other end engrossed in the TV - walked out and just then one noticed me. After trying the newish place next to Solid bar (uncomfortable seats) went back to GC. Only customer - got usual service one guy came in my mouth and just then manager came back - said something to them and zips were up and sat around making polite coversation - not sure if some police were around. No sign of Nueng.

Went to Alec bar for first time for long time - quite a number of boys and some younger looking ones - seems just to be hand jobs.

Re post above about getting same boys each time - do not be afraid to point out the ones you want - they know you have to be happy to keep coming back. I do keep changing my guys at those places.
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Old 6th November 2005, 04:57 AM
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On my last 2 visits recently to Golden Cock I have also noticed that when the owner is around the boys are less forthcoming. On both occasions I've had 3 boys around me unzipped and playing. The owner keeps looking over the counter, which I don't like anyway, and then walks down the bar says something to the boys and returns to the bar. The boys then zip up and just talk. He's obviously said something to them, I pay the bill and leave. I don't think there is any more police activity than usual at the moment, the only explanation I can think of is he's pushing the boys to get a bar fine, that's surely where he makes his money.
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